Chapter 17 - Bloody Marry-iage

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AN: It's longer as I thought. My longest ever. I absolutely love the music from station 19 through the parts <3 fits so perfect.

Loud bells ring out.



The ringing gets louder, more painful.

It resembles a scream.



Blood on the wedding dresses. Screams again and again. People running around wildly......

2 weeks ago

"I swear it doesn't matter which one you wear, I'll rip it off you anyway" Andy looks at you with a greedy, cheeky look. "That doesn't make it any easier now..." you look at wedding dresses together. Andy goes through the whole row and is undecided which dress she should wear. "It's just harder for me to choose a suitable dress... I don't like all-white dresses." Her gaze wanders to you, who is in a new dress. "Every dress suits you, but not me. Or am I just too wally?" Andy sits down on one of the chairs in the boutique, annoyed with herself. "What were you wearing when you married Robert?" And as quickly as you asked the question, you regret it "ehm...sorry, I shouldn't just ask that" you look at her apologetically. "No, it's okay. It was just too quick and...I have no idea. Anyway, I was wearing a peach-colored one that I thought was so beautiful. I was obsessed with the dress" Andy visibly gushes about the dress. "Then just wear it again. Honestly, if you liked it so much, you should wear it again!" you look at her sincerely. "Que? Nunca! (Was? Niemals!) Isn't that bad luck?"

"You don't believe in superstition like that, do you?" With a grin, you pick up the next dress. "I don't know. But I've definitely still got it." She says the last words to herself, confused. "Well, many people keep their wedding dress as a memento. They usually forget about it." You sit down next to her. "I'll look at the botique again, later. I just can't decide. So... you're looking for your old dress. I didn't see you in it. It sounds enchanting to see you in such a delicate color. She smiles at you in love and you give her a kiss on the forehead. "Let's go out for something to eat and then go home, how about some Chinese food?" you ask her and together you set off, get the food and then go home, where Fortuna is already greeting you in a relaxed mood.

After a quick cuddle, you go to the table, turn on an episode of Grey's Anatomy and start eating. Fortuna grabs one or two extra things from you with permission and then retreats to her warm basket. When you've finished eating, you start the next episode of Greys and snuggle up together. Andy looks down at you lovingly and gives you a kiss on the lips, which causes a brief and slow hesitation. Too quickly taken in by the hormones, you take her face in your hands and kiss her again. Andy hesitantly responds again, wants more but stops and breaks away from the kiss. "I'm sorry..." you say dejectedly. "It's just... it's been twelve weeks since we slept together... since-" you stop before you make it any worse and sit down properly. "it's ok...." Andy has a bad conscience and looks at you guiltily.

She rests her arms on the couch to get closer to you. You look at her questioningly. "It's all right. I told you you'd get the time you need to feel comfortable with your body again." Andy takes your arm, gently pulls you close and entwines you in a tender kiss. You didn't expect that and so you respond with a delay, then let yourself fall and lean against the Couchwall. Andy takes the opportunity and sits on your lap. "Are you sure..." you breathe between kisses without letting go. The only answer you get is that she takes off her sweater and drags the kiss out further. In the same mood, you take off your top and start kissing her chest. Every single kiss is a breath of sweet nothings, tender promises never to leave her alone with all her pain again. The first little moan from her mouth in months sounds like winning the lottery. Finally you can show her how much you love her and you grab her by the butt, get up with her and walk to the bedroom. You don't miss the brief gasp, which makes you smile and you throw her on the bed with lots of love.

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