Chapter 14

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I stare at her face each second feeling like forever

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I stare at her face each second feeling like forever. I wanted her to slap and or do something that would bring me back to my senses and make me realise what a stupid person I am, but here she is standing looking in my eyes while secretly playing with her fingers. This is way more worse than the slap I imagined. So I took a few steps closer and she quickly backed away, so I stopped on my track.

" Say something pyara , I'm waiting to hear you " I said keeping my voice as calm as I can.

She gulp and let her hands fall on the both sides. " I... Don't know... I'm not sure " She said but heart dropped but I keep up. " So you need to be sure if you love me or not " She nodded. " Yes, can you wait " She asked in her soft voice I smiled .

" For you Pyara I can wait a thousand years and then in after life if it's a thing " I said trying my best to keep my hands to myself. Last night I read about how Muslim women don't let any man touch them unless he is her husband, father or brother. Beautiful. And I don't want to cross the boundaries. I will respect in whatever she believes.

She smiled and look down, Oh she blushing? " Are you blushing Pyara? " She turn to me with those light red cheeks.

" What's with this nickname " She asked I pretend to think .

" You are this. Pyaar You made me feel this

Love so I modified it and gave you the name Pyara means lovely " I actually just gave her this nickname because I want to call her this forever. This is something special, something that only belongs to me.

" Are you trying to win me right here because it's kind of working, Mr Rohan but you need to work a little more harder " She said trying her best to hide the smile.

" Like what? Should I lay the world in your feet or help you fly as high as you can. Tell me Pyara " I asked and each work coming out on its own. Come on I was never the romantic type. This is not even flirt just real words.

She shook her head. " Like just being you or like doing all the small things. I don't want the world in my feet . I want to pick up the world even if it means helping a single person. It means world to me . So Mr Rohan you need to help me in this. Will you promise me? " She smiled shining.

" I promise you Pyara " I said smiling back at her.


Just like this we came back to Ahad's mansion. Smiling and blushing but that didn't stop her from talking like always. I swear I can hear her all day long and still will wait for her another topic.

When we reach the Mansion it was decorated with fairy lights and it was feeling so cozy something is making this place so good today. As we entered all the family members were gathering in the living room.

Ahad and Ayesha were sitting on the left couch talking while smiling. Time to time he whispers something in her hear and she smiles . First Aunt saw us as she smiled widely and welcomed us.

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