Chapter 1: My Name is...

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Chapter 1: My Name is...

Seven years ago a group of human wolf-hunters attacked my parents and me while we were returning from a run in the forest. I was twelve at the time and had not found my wolf. My father had me perched on top of his back while he trotted in his wolf form. We had stopped to enjoy the sunset when we heard rifles being fired.

My mother howled and fell to the ground. She was shot in the heart and laid dead at my father's feet. He told me to run and hide inside a cave telling me he would be back for me.

He never came back.

I heard more shots being fired and heard laughter of grown men. I sunk back deeper into the cave trying to conceal myself from the hunters. I stayed there for who knows how many days. I was too afraid to come out of the cave.

However, possibly on the third day, I heard howls and wolves running by. I saw one wolf smelling the surrounding area and I knew I would be discovered in my hiding spot. Alpha Neal and his pack found me that day and brought me back to the White Thorn pack.

From that day onward I was welcomed by the Alpha family and Alpha Neal decided to raise me as his daughter.

Alpha Neal had three sons who were now my brothers; Kegan who was a year older than me and the twins, Tony and Andrew, who were the same age as me.

Kegan was never one to play and have fun because at a young age he had decided he would become the Alpha. Tony and Andrew were my best friends as a kid. We would do anything and everything together.

But that changed when I turned sixteen.

At sixteen every wolf goes through their first shift. Tony and Andrew both shifted on their birthdays and were now full werewolves but when I turned sixteen I didn't shift.

I was a werewolf without a wolf.

As Kegan, Tony, Andrew and I went through high school we grew a part and it was then that the bullying started. Since I was a wolf who couldn't shift I became the packs punching bag. Kegan met Ryan who became his best friend and together they became the 'bad boys' of the school who every she wolf and human girl swooned over. Kegan had light brown hair and black eyes giving him a mysterious and dangerous look that attracted girls like moths to an attractive flame. Tony and Andrew became the school heart throbs that dated anything with legs and breast. Many of the girls fell into their trap of acting sensitive and caring with their perfect physique and blonde hair with piercing blue eyes.

As the years went by I too changed. On my eighteenth birthday I began to develop my ability of healing. My adoptive mother said it was a way for the Goddess to compensate for not giving me a wolf.

What a load of bull.

Over the last year all my ability has done is give Kegan and Ryan the green light to physically abuse me since I could just heal my wounds and no one would find out. Even the rest of the pack joined in on their little game. In the classrooms I am insulted and tripped. I'm called weak and ugly by countless wolves I have never spoken to. Phys. Ed is the worst because many of the male wolves had their girl friends pull pranks on me by stealing my clothes or pinning my bra on my locker with a flat rate fee for my "personal time".

The bullying continued causing me to become a shell of the person I once was. The laughing little twelve-year-old who loved her brothers and her new family was dead.

Alpha Neal and my adoptive mother, Kate, think it is phase and that it would end soon. I can't tell them that it's their sons who are killing me from the inside out.

This was my life.

I heard my alarm go off and I reached over to turn it off when I felt a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on my head drenching my bed and me. I heard laughter and I looked up to see Tony and Andrew giving each other a high five.

"Come on sis. We got your shower covered, time to get ready for college." Tony said with a smirk.

I was nineteen and today was my first day at Northern College. All pack wolves attended Northern so I wasn't too excited to relive my high school years in college as well. I peeled off the wet comforter and walked into my washroom shivering from the cold water.

I looked at my reflection and I saw my dark brown hair wet and plastered to my face and my hazel eyes that were sunken in. No amount of sleep could bring back the childhood glow to my face. I quickly showers and changed into my clothes and saw the time was eight thirty. I still had an hour until the first year orientation.

Tony and Andrew were both studying science where as I was planning on studying Ecology. Kegan was taking business to better prep him for running the pack when he became Alpha.

I walked downstairs to see Alpha Neal and Kate eating breakfast. I grabbed an apple and began eating.

Kate looked at me and said, "Honey, you have to eat more than just an apple. I made breakfast. Have some."

I saw Alpha Neal look over his newspaper at me and I nodded and took a toast with some butter on it.

"The boys are waiting outside for you. Kegan said he was going to give you a ride to school." Alpha Neal said getting up.

Uh? What were they up to?

I excused myself and said bye to Kate and headed outside to see Andrew riding shot gun with Tony in the back and Kegan at the wheel in his Jeep.

I walked up to the Jeep and saw Andrew roll down his window.

"Sorry sis no more space. But maybe next time, ok?" he said making Kegan smirk and Tony full out laugh in the back seat.

I nodded and stepped back.

This always happened. Not once has Kegan ever given me a lift. I turned to the garage and hopped onto my bicycle and rode to school.

It was time to start another day in my exciting and eventful life.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot.

My name is Layla.

A/N Vote Comment Share and Follow! I hope you all are enjoying reading my new story. I have great things planned for Layla!

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