Chapter 14: I have her...

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Chapter 14: I have her...

Jayden's POV

I dropped Kegan when I saw Kate open the door and walk in. She gasped and I saw her eyes glazed over from a mind link. I kept my attention on Kegan who was on his hands and knees taking deep breathes.

"How could you?" Kate said walking up to Kegan. "That girl has been through hell and back, you have no right to talk to her in the manner you did just now. I am ashamed of you." Kate's eyes held a sadness and anger that was directed at him.

"She doesn't belong here. She is wea─" he began but Kate slapped him. The room fell into a dead silence.

"That girl accepted you as her brother. Her parents were killed in front of her by hunters. If you want to talk strength, Layla is much more stronger and powerful than you will ever be,"

"What came over you today? Why did you hit her?" Alpha Neal asked. Kate's eye bulged out from hearing this but he raised his hand to calm her. "And if your answer isn't that you had a muscle spasm and you slipped. You son are in a hell of a lot of trouble."

"I hit her because she won't be in this pack for much longer. We don't need her." Kegan said facing his father.

"And who gave you the right to make this decision?" Alpha Neal said keeping his voice neutral and clear of any emotions. But his eyes and posture lied. He was furious.

"The pack made a decision two years ago." He said looking at me. Daring me to oust him.

"What are you talking abo─"

"Pardon me for interrupting Alpha," I said looking at Kegan, "but I would like to shed some light on to this situation."

"Speak if you know anything." Alpha Neal said going around to lean back on what remained of his desk.

I gave Kegan one last look and turned to Alpha Neal, "Three years ago Layla was supposed to shift but as you know she did not. Her brothers, Tony and Andrew did. She was sad because she did not have a wolf but instead of consoling their sister, your sons made her into an outcast in her own pack. They bullied and emotionally tortured a young girl who was going through the toughest stage in life and broke her from the inside out!"

"We thought it was a stage." Kate whispered from behind and I saw tears slipping down her cheek. "I ignored her when she would lock herself in her room. I thought it was hormones." She placed a hand over her mouth and silently sobbed.

Alpha Neal looked at his mate with pain, "Kate, can you please go to Layla's room and stay with her?"

She left the office and I continued. He had to know the whole truth.

"You asked before what came over Kegan to hit her today." I said and stared dead straight into his eyes.

"It wasn't the first time he hit her, so it wasn't hard to do it again. When you began to treat her like a daughter and care for her, your son got jealous and hit her, repeatedly, to remind her that he was stronger, more powerful, and her future Alpha." I stalked up to Kegan and matched his gaze. I felt a growl resonate through my chest and continued.

"He left scars on her back. Long marks running from her shoulders down. The whole pack joined in. She became the pack target for pranks, name calling, and constant bullying in high school. But oh no he didn't stop there. When she developed her healing ability, the physical abuse got worse because she could just heal herself and problem solved. She lives a shell of a life. Finding her mate was the only escape she saw and the only thing she desired. He tried to take that away too."

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