Chapter 6: Mate...

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Chapter 6: Mate...

Beth had shown me to a room on the second floor and Alpha Neal had dropped by to tell me that the Shadows had attacked the Black Moon Pack on their run and Richard, the Shadow's Alpha, had lured Iris and Damon who were the prophesized mates away from the rest of the pack. He asked me to head down to the basement at two in the afternoon because I might be needed to heal Alpha Cairstay's son.

It was morning and breakfast was brought to my room as per Alpha Neal's request. Over the years Neal had learnt that large groups and that too being large groups of unknown werewolves set me on edge.

I stayed in my room until I heard the main floor clear out and I decided to take my dishes down. I walked down the stairs and saw a few pack children piled into the living room all focussed on the TV. I remember when that use to be me, Tony, and Andrew. Tony and Andrew would always fight over what to watch and I would just pick the channel while they argued. By the time they noticed their shows would be over and they would be stuck watching any girl sitcom that was on.

I smiled at that memory and placed my dishes in the sink. The buzzing feeling had remained with me throughout the day and I had this mental urge to go downstairs into the training room. I heard someone coming down the stairs and turned to see a girl and boy possible a year younger than me entering the kitchen. They stopped when they saw me.

"Hi, I'm Alexis Hunter, the Beta's daughter. This is my mate, Jared." the girl said smiling and looking over her shoulder to the boy. He gave me a slight nod of the head and carried on walking to the fridge. He pulled out a yogurt cup and kissed her cheek before he left.

"I'm Layla, Alpha Neal's daughter." I said and placed my plate down.

She nodded and leaned back on the island. A second passed when she yell.

"HEY!" I turned around stunned, "I know you! You're that healer from the White Thorn Pack!" she pushed herself off the island and grabbed my shoulder turning me around to see my face. I flinched from her strong grip and seeing this she let go.

"Sorry. It's just the pack has been doing nothing but talk about you. Plus Drew, my brother, was one of the wolves you healed yesterday so I was just a little excited to meet you." She said stepping away from me.

"It's okay." I whispered.

We continued to talk in the kitchen, well she did all the talking while I just stood there listening. I found that she and Iris Winters were best friends and both were a year younger than me. She spoke about her ambition to become a fashion designer and how she wanted to design clothes for the top names in Hollywood. Her voice and demeanour showed true confidence and independence. I envied her but I could also see she had a pure heart.

After talking to Alexis I wandered outside and decided to take a walk in the forest. Being amongst the trees always cleared my mind, which was what I needed the most. I came across a huge tree, whose roots had created an illusion of fingers, outstretched in the soil. I climbed over the roots and sat down leaning against the massive trunk. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds around me.


I heard a twig break and looked around expecting someone to emerge from the tree line. When I didn't hear anything else I closed my eyes and remained seated on the tree trunk.

I was thinking about the wolves who were praising my skills when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth. I screamed and kicked scratching at the hands on my mouth.

"Grab her arms and legs. Ugh! Hurry before someone comes!" I heard Josh's voice.

I screamed louder hoping someone from the Black Moon Pack would hear me. I felt hands hold my legs and arms in place and my kidnappers began to carry me deeper into the forest. They threw me on the ground once they came into a clearing sealed off by the trees.

The Healer's MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin