Chapter 15: The Binding Ceremony...

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Chapter 15: The Binding Ceremony...

I was getting light headed from the blood loss. I felt myself falling in a darkness that scared me. It felt like hours had passed since he came into the room.

He said I was a shifter.

I wasn't a werewolf.

That explained why I didn't shift when I turned sixteen. I wasn't supposed to then. How did our shifts work then?

Mom. Dad. I wish you were here!

I felt the blood running down my arm and the darkness that surrounded me began to warm my body soothing and coaxing me to fall deeper into it. I began to feel a presence at the back of my mind and link that I shared with Jayden began to pull my subconscious towards it.


I saw a silhouette of a man in my mind and when I focused on it I smelt the familiar minty forest scent.

"Layla! Where are you!?" His voice filled my mind blocking the clanking and rattling of the pipes above me.


It's me Angel, where are you?

"I don't know it's dark and I think I'm underground. I lost a lot of blood."

"Don't worr─" his voice disappeared then and the silhouette in my mind vanished. I was looking at the insides of my eye lids and the darkness that connected me to Jayden was gone. The shadow the silhouette casted on my mind was no longer there and the link between us was gone.

I tried to access the link I had used to talk to Jayden before but from the blood loss my strength was depleting. I felt my arms go numb and when the final drops of blood fell to the ground I began to feel a warmth around me from the ground. I saw an ominous glow surround me from below and the door opened once again. He stepped inside and I could see the smile on his face.

"It's done."

He walked to me and my eyes were heavy from the blood loss. He wrapped my arms with a cloth and then cut away my shirt and pants. I was left in my bra and underwear when I felt him trace his finger on my stomach and then my legs.

No not trace. Draw.

Using what little strength I had I lifted my head and I saw him drawing different symbols on my body with my blood. He was mumbling words under his breath and I could feel my body go numb. He drew something on my head and I felt a jolt of pain run through my body. The scars on my back began to burn. My ribs, my hands, my legs were all on fire and I screamed out in pain. My back arched and I could feel all the injuries and cuts I had sustained over the years open up.

"No! HELP! STOP! Please! Make it Stop!" I yelled but he just stood there with his eye closed and continued to chant the words under his breath.

He abruptly stopped and looked down at me. I withered in pain and I pulled on the ropes trying to get free.

"Step one is done."

I felt the tears streaming down my face and I looked at my body and saw black and blue bruises forming where he had drew the symbols on my skin.

"I'll see you tomorrow evening Layla. Rest well." he said and walked away but instead of leaving me in the dark he left the lights on.

I felt myself slipping out of consciousness and before I knew it I had passed out.

"Layla, Layla! Please listen to me. I don't have much time."

"Who is it?"

I found myself standing in the forest, when I looked around I saw it was the same place Alpha Neal had found me.

"It's me Layla. Your mother."

I turned to where I heard the voice and saw her standing within the trees. Exactly like I remembered her. I ran to her like a little girl and flung my arms around her.

"My baby girl." she cooed in my hair.

"Mom, why did you leave me?" I sobbed into her shoulder

"I'm sorry dear. But something dark and ominous is brewing as we speak. The man, Romero, who is keeping you captive tried to take my powers once but he wasn't successful. You aren't strong enough to face him but he under estimates your strength. He will take you to a cliff tomorrow to conduct the sacrifice. I need you to shift and run as fast as you can when that happens. Your mate will be too late and he will kill you before he gets there."

"But I can't shift. Mom I don't know how." I said looking at her big hazel eyes.

"Just visualize a wolf and feel your body change. It's the same as using your healing power." she said and cupped my cheek in her hand.

"I'm so proud of you Layla. I love you and I will always be with you but I can't stay much longer."

"NO! Mom! Don't go!" I was crying but she pulled away and she began to disappear. I went to grab her hand and pull her back but my hand went through hers.

"Mom!" I yelled.

I woke from my dream with a jolt and felt the rope pull me back down.

My stomach and legs were still exposed and now the bruises decorated my torso. The blood had dried on my skin and the bandages on my arms were bound tight to stop the bleeding.

I tried to stay calm and focus on one thing at a time. My mother told me Jayden was on his way and from what she said he knew where I was.

Or would know by tomorrow. But he would be too late.

Romero needed me in order to break his curse and in the process he wanted to take my ability.

But why did he perform the binding ceremony to tie us together when all he needed was to kill me?

My mouth was dry and my voice was hoarse from screaming. I was exhausted and I felt my eyes closing.

I fell asleep but my muscles remained tense and my ears alert to any sounds that would help me place where I was.

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