Chapter 16: He is Coming...

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Chapter 16: He is Coming...

I felt hands on my arms and I opened my eyes. I tried to get up but the men who were now holding my arms where the ropes were pushed me back down on the cement bed. They looked to be a few years older than Jayden and like Romero had three long claw marks on their faces. I saw that the remains of my clothes were pulled out from under me and a sheer white tshirt dress was pulled over my body. The fabric was basically see through and I saw one of the men staring at my chest.

"Control yourself, Romero wants her pure." The other man said.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt' em." The man said and I felt his hand slide down from my shoulder where he held me down. I felt his hand above my bra and I heard him laugh above me.

"Stop fooling around Vlad!" the man said.

"Always a stickler for the rules. Right James?" Vlad teased James.

"If it gets me a rank then yeah." James said and grabbed a cloth. Without a second glance at me he draped the black cloth over my head like a bag and they both picked me up. I tried to move my legs but they were bound together. James and Vlad carried me out of the room and when I felt the cold air blow against my body I knew they had brought me outside. It was too cold for the sun to be out so I assumed it was dark outside.

Judging from the time they took to get outside it was a small building. Possibly a small house or cottage.

I smelt the air and it was laced with pine. Forest. Definitely the forest.

I heard water running and I knew there was a pond or river close to us. We weren't in White Thorn territory because I knew the forest like the back of my hand and there wasn't a river anywhere near the pack house.

I remained quiet the whole time not wanting to instigate them but to collect as many clues about the place as possible.

I remembered what my mother told me and I focus on building my strength. I was carried up a slope and I guess the cliff my mom had mentioned was here.

"Leave her there and you can go. Stay at the cottage. I'll be done here soon." Romero said. His voice sounded high up so I assumed he stood at the peak of the cliff.

Without saying a word Vlad and James dropped me on the ground and left. I heard their footsteps fade away and I couldn't hear them anymore I felt the cloth being pulled off my head.

Like I guessed we were in the forest and all around me were pine trees. It was dark and behind him the moon was clear as day. There was a podium of some sort and on top of it was a stone bowl with a fire lit inside it.

"Did you know shifter were created by the Goddess as protector when werewolves were killing humans? Many centuries ago werewolves had begun killing villages of humans as a sport." He walked around me and continued.

"They were blinded by their power and in order to restore the balance the Goddess created shifters. Shifters were stronger than werewolves and had a natural talent of leadership. They became Alphas and the werewolves that did not kill humans joined their packs. These packs then killed the wolves who were out of control protecting the humans and hiding their secret once again." He stood in front of the fire and lit a torch which then set fire to a string of torches around the cliff. The fire illuminated the clearing.

"These shifter then mated with werewolves creating a new breed of wolves that had special abilities. One of these packs was the White Thorn pack. But there were a few blood lines that stayed pure." He walked to me and grabbed me by my shoulders he pulled me up and bent down to cut the ropes tying my feet together.

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