Chapter 2: You're a...

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Chapter 2: You're a....

By the time I got to school many of the first year students were already seated inside the lecture theatre and I could see a human professor fiddling with the microphone on the lectern.

In high school I found that the closer up I say to the teacher the less chances there were for a possible accident to occur. I stopped by the fifth row up from the front and I saw a few seats empty and secluded from the rest of the students seated in the row. I began to sit down when I felt something slide against my back. I looked behind me to see the girls that were sitting behind me had moved their bags to the remaining seats in front of them blocking all the available seats.

"Only wolves can sit here. And since you're nowhere close to one, I believe you're in the wrong seat" one of the girls said.

Wow! what a way to pull a Regina George.

Without drawing too much attention to me I walking the first row and sat on the only available seat which happened to be directly in front of the professor.

"Welcome students to Northern College" the professor spoke.

The professor, who later introduced himself as Professor Scott, explained the campus and the many programs and facilities that were available to first years. Twenty minutes into his presentation I could feel my eyes closing and sleep calling me. I took my notebook out and to prevent myself from falling asleep I began drawing and doodling in my notebook.

Once I was done drawing a portrait of prof. Scott I heard the boy beside me say, "You seem pretty dedicated to drawing your new professors."

I looked up to see his brown eyes smiling at me and pointing at my notebook. I moved my notebook closer to my body and gave him a small smile and began to get up now that the presentation was over.

"Hey! I didn't catch your name. I'm Noah." he said grabbing my elbow.

"I'm Layla and I don't think you should be talking to me unless you want all the pack members to hate you." I said.

"Oh that? I've noticed how the pack treats you and I'm not one to follow the crowd." he said giving another one of his smiles. "So do you want to be friends?"

"Sure but don't say I didn't warn you." I said and began my search for my first class.

"So Layla, what are you studying?" Noah asked walking beside me.

"Ecology studies" I said and continued walking. I saw some of my pack mates looking at us, occasionally giving me a nasty look or laughing at a joke one of their friends made.

What sucked even more was that I could hear into their conversations because of the pack link.

Look at her and the new guy. Such a pathetic duo.

I wonder why Alpha keeps her around. I would have kicked her out of the pack the day of her birthday.

Don't worry, once Kegan is Alpha he will get rid of her.

This was a regular and over the years I began to learn how to block their thoughts or just ignore them. I noticed Noah was still tagging along. I guess he didn't notice the stares that were directed his way. We later split up when I found my class.

I was entering my last lecture and was tired from walking all across campus that I didn't see one of the male wolves stick their leg out to trip me. I fell face first dropping all my books and binders and hit my nose on the edge of the stairs. Pain shot through my nose and I knew I had broken it. The guy that had tripped me high fived his friends and laughed at me lying on the ground. More students walked into the lecture theatre and walking over my bag and binders scattering my papers down the stairs. I sat there allowing them to walk over my things with the silent tears pouring down my face. I heard the laughter getting louder as more of the pack noticed me on the ground.

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