Chapter 19: That's where I come in...

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Chapter 19: That's where I come in...

"I think I know how to break the bond." Iris' eye were round and her chest was rising and falling as if she ran a marathon.

"Iris can you leave─" Jayden said in a calm voice hugging me closer.

I saw Iris look between us and her face showed sympathy but I could also see how important it was to her.

I looked back to Jayden and gave him a slight nod. "Tell me Iris. What did you find." I gave her an encourage nod and she walked closer to me.

Damon, Alpha Neal and Alpha Cairstay stood along the wall watching us and listening what Iris had to say.

"Remember when I said a bond where blood is exchanged can rival a mating bond. Well I allowed my wolf to evaluate the situation and she told me that there is a possibility that the mating bond can outweigh the link Romero made with you. He over looked that you were not mated when he performed the binding ceremony and if you were to complete the mating it is possible that the bond you will form with Jayden will break any link you have to Romero. Any mated wolf can tell you that the mating bond is the strongest mental, physical, and lifelong bond any wolf can have. I really think this can work but again it's not for sure."

I felt Jayden's chest vibrate as he spoke, "Iris that is a possibility but you know I can't mark Layla. Marking is controlled through our wolves and I lost mine."

Pin drop silence surrounded us and I felt the drop in energy in the room. I watched Iris gauging her response.

"Iris what are you hiding?" I asked narrowing my eyes and watching her squirm in her seat.

"I may have a solution for that." Iris said slowly.

"Go on."

She looked at Jayden. "When you lost Charles my wolf, you could say, cleansed your body. She targeted the evil in you and at the time Charles was over powering you and your soul. All three of us were basically bystanders as our wolves battled it out. So when Charles died your wolf was repressed and injured. And I'm not talking about Charles soul that was reincarnated through you I'm taking about your wolf."

"What are you talking about? Charles was my wolf. He is gone." Jayden was tense and I could feel his impatience weighing thin.

"Jayden you are an Alpha for the Shadows by blood, Charles used you as a vassal but you always had your own wolf. He was repressed all these years and when Charles was killed your wolf also sustained an injury. He has been trying to heal all along but needs some assistance." Iris said looking at Jayden.

I sat up taller on the bed and I felt Jayden's arms loosen around me. I clenched by teeth moving my legs and said looking at Iris.

"That's where I come in. I have to help heal Jayden's wolf."

Iris nodded and got up.

"That was all I had to say. I'm sorry for barging in before but I had to tell you."

Iris turned to leave my room and Damon, Alpha Cairstay and Alpha Neal followed afterwards. I watched the door close and I felt Jayden move from behind me. He got up and came to stand by the bed. He grabbed the first aid kit and pulled a chair next to the bed. He pushed the comforter off my legs and without saying anything he began to unwrap my bandages.


"No, just let me take care of you and let me process what Iris just told me."

I stayed quiet and allowed Jayden to bandage my wound. I watched as his hands slightly glided along my leg. His touch sent shivers along my spine but I tried to remain still. The bleeding had stopped and the wound had begun to seal. By tomorrow night the wound will be close to healed.

"Do you want me to wrap it or do you want to heal it?" Jayden asked not looking at me.

I saw his jaw was clenched and his arms were rigid. He felt so cold and sealed off from me. I couldn't sense him or feel warmth radiating off him like I did moments ago before Iris came.

"I want you to talk to me."

He didn't answer and grabbed a gauze and wrapped it along my calves. He packed everything away and got up. I grabbed his hand holding him in place.

"Jayden, please talk to me."

We pulled his hand away from me and I felt his rejection inside me. I gasped and watched him walk away from me to my dresser.


"I just found out that Charles a vindictive wolf repressed my actual wolf all these years and the time that I thought I had hit rock bottom Iris was just lying to me! So you want to talk ? Let's talk! Tomorrow you have to help heal my wolf and I have to meet my wolf sprit for the first time, a soul that was supposed to be a part of me and grow, learn, and experience life with me. But I have to allow a stranger to become a part of my sub conscious. And then I have to hope that by mating with you it will somehow break the link Romero made between you two. So you want to know how I feel? I'm scared and terrified that if this doesn't work there is a high chance that the one thing I love most in the world will be taken away from me."

He stood with his back against the wall and his head in his hands. His shoulders shook from the shacking breathes he drew into his lungs. He looked up and I saw the tears that slid down his cheeks.

"Come here." I said opening my arms.

He walked to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He threaded his arms around my waist and picked me up setting me down on his lap. I looked at him and wiped his tears. I kissed his cheek and rested my head against his shoulder.

"Tomorrow we are going to go into the forest and I am going to take you to my favourite place and then introduce you to your wolf who has always been inside of you your entire life and you are going to love every second of it."

I felt his shoulders relax and his eyes grew soft. He took a deep breath and nodded. Giving me a small smile he leaned back on the bed bringing me back with him. I settled into his side and rested my head on his chest. He reached over to turn the lamp off and brought me closer to him. My face was nestled into his neck and our arms were wrapped around each other.

We fell asleep in each other's embrace knowing that tomorrow our world as we knew it was going to change.

A/N Short chapter but I wanted to keep this part straight forward because it links with the plot of my other story so for those who haven't read No Distractions you wouldn't feel like something was missing.


Thank You :D

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