Chapter One

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Jazz’s POV

Lights shined. The sweat streamed down her face, her cheeks fire-hydrant red. She took a deep breath, her chest heaving from the fast-paced dance. She brushed her damp hair out of her face and adjusted her barely there t-shirt before looking up and staring at us. Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as she asked,  “What’s a specimen? Is that like a man wearing like specs? You know like glasses? God, glasses are soooo ugly! They are like tots gross!”  

“Are you serious, darling?” I questioned the stuck-up barbie doll, leaning back in my chair, trying to hold in my laughter. Alyssa was doing the same next to me. The dancer just gave me a blank look which soon transformed into a haughty I’m-better-than-you’ll-ever-be glare as Alyssa and I struggled  to contain our laughter.

“You’re.... twenty...right?” Alyssa asked, looking at the papers in front of her. The girl just stuck her chin out and briefly nodded, obviously not wanting to lower herself to speak to us lowly peasants.

“Alright, well you are quite the dancer, we’ll call you? Mkay?” I said, adding in my mind that she might be a fairly good dancer but what’s the use if her personality could poison a puppy.

“Wait, so I’m in right? Cause I’m like the best one here and we all know that don’t we?” Miss Braggy declared. twirling her hair between her fingers and attempting to be nonchalant. See? There’s that puppy-poisoning attitude.

“We’ll call you. Bye-bye Brag- I mean Brittany,” I said, waving my fingers at her and hoping she’ll get the hint.

Oh, she did alright. “FYI, my daddy's like the owner of like the biggest and like best dance studio, and you won’t get to use it,” Miss Braggy declared with a smirk. Goodness, this girl has issues. Didn’t she realize that we would be practicing at the arenas we would be performing at soon anyways?  

“I’m sure we’ll be fine without it love, ta-ta!” Alyssa said, her face a light red from her efforts to not  laugh. The girl spun around and stomped out of the room...but not before she attempted to bribe us with a hundred dollar bill.

“That girl......was she for real?!” I managed to say through my laughter, when she finally left.

“I...I actually think she was, “ Alyssa responded in between her giggles.

“She was the worst one yet. Honestly, twenty years old and doesn’t know what a “prime male specimen” means! It’s worse than the girl who thought we were talking about fish!” I said, pretending to wipe tears of laughter from my eyes.

“Not everyone understands our weird minds. Ah well at least the other girl was adorable, too bad she wasn’t dancing,” Alyssa recalled one of the previous auditioners.

“Ugh, how hard is it to find two girls who can dance but are still people we would want to hang out with?!” I stated frustrated. Brittany the Braggart was the twentieth girl to audition to be Alyssa’s and I’s back-up dancers on our upcoming tour with One Direction. YES! That’s right. One. Direction. Tour. We were contacted by One Direction’s management about a month ago and discovered they wanted Army of Two to be their opening act. Obviously we said yes. I mean, who would turn down the BIGGEST band right now, not to mention our biggest obsession,?

Anyway, half the dancers who auditioned weren’t even dancers, but thought the 1D boys would be here. And the other half were okay dancers but were either stuck-up, bratty, or had no sense of humor. Or worse, were a combination of all of the above.

“We only have two left...” Alyssa said. pulling me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the papers in front of us and saw that she was right.

“Do you just want to have them audition together? Save us some time?” I said, “I’m sick of dealing with girls like Brit the Twit”  

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