Chapter 11

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Niall’s POV

“What the hell Jazz?” I righted myself and looked down at the giggling girl on the floor.  

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself!” She managed to say through her laughter, looking not the least bit sorry. Soundcheck had just ended for the boys and I, though it wasn’t very productive. We were all too worried about Jazz to entertain the fans and I feel bad that we were so moody but honestly she was all I was thinking about.  I was on my way back from picking up food and Jazz had managed to trip me and from the looks of it she was feeling a whole lot better.  

You wouldn’t know that the laughing girl on the floor was the same one who walked into her rehearsal two hours late. I sat down next to her, careful not to disturb the various papers that were scattered all over the floor. Maybe now that she was smiling, she would actually talk to me.

“Are you writing a song?” I gestured to the guitar in her hands, as I took out my chicken sandwich.

“Depends, are you going to share your food?” Jazz looked at me, a small smile on her face, no sign that she was dwelling about  what had happened at the gym. Don’t know is I should be glad or sad, though.  

“Depends, are you going to let me see your song?” I joked back, already starting to tear the sandwich in half, not really expecting her to actually showing me what she’s doing.

“That’s a big price to ask for just a sandwhich...share your drink too and we might have a deal” She remarked back, lightly laughing. I don’t know what happened to change her mood from this morning, but I’m not going to question it. The fact that she’s having a normal conversation with me despite how I screwed up is enough for me.

I handed her my strawberry-banana smoothie and was about to give her the sandwich but she waved me off.

“Just promise you won’t laugh..” She set the drink down after taking a sip and rearranged the various papers in front of her.

“See you calling again

I don’t wanna pick up, no oh

I been laying in bed

Probably thinking too much, oh oh

Sorry, I’m not sorry for the times

I don’t reply, you know the reason why

Maybe you shouldn’t come back

Maybe you shouldn’t come back to me,

Tired of being so sad, tired of getting so mad, baby

Stop right now, you’ll only let me down, oh oh  

Maybe you shouldn't come back

Maybe you shouldn’t come back to me

Trying not to forget, should be easier than this, oh oh

And all those birthdays you’ve missed”

“Um...that’s all I’ve got so far..” Jazz’s voice snapped me out of the trance that listening to her sing had put me in.

“Wow, I..that’s...that’s an amazing song” I managed to stutter out. She looked down and shook her head, disagreeing with me. “No, Jazz that was really really good. Um...who's it about?” I couldn’t hold back the question, and I waited tensely to see if I had scared her off again.

“Niall, you don’t really want to get involved with the drama that is my life” Jazz forced a laugh and took a bite out of her half of the sandwich.

“Too late for that, innit?” I looked at her for a few seconds and was just about to reach over and force her to look at me, when she surprised me by meeting my gaze by herself.

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