CH 17

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Lana’s POV

“GOSH DAMN HOW FREAKING LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO WALK A MILE!! YOU SLOW BUTTS.” I yelled at Harry and Yaritza as they finally came through the hotel room  door.

“Oh, Harry you’ve got a bit of lipstick right above your upper lip”Jazz offhandedly said as Harry shrugged off his coat.

The curly haired boy immediately froze and turned bright red, furiously wiping at his face, while Yaritza looked equally mortified.

“What are you talking about Jazz , she isn’t even wearing lipstick??” I asked, confused because Harry didn’t have smeared lipstick on his face anyways.

“Exactly.” Jazz smirked before swinging her legs up onto Niall’s lap.”But they both still turned red and got all flustered, yes? So obviously they were making out”

I didn’t think it was possible for Yaritza and Harry to get any redder, but I was very wrong. Harry just sorta stood there awkwardly, like a deer caught in headlights while Yaritza looked like she just got caught red handed and ended up just leaving to her room.

“Jazz give them a break” Alyssa tried to tell Jazz off  in between laughs “You scared her off”

That just made all of us laugh harder. “ Fine I’ll go get her she had candy sooo” Jazz told us before getting off the sofa that she was sharing with Niall.

“Well I want candy too!” I exclaimed.

“Don’t leave me here with these people, I’m coming too!” Alyssa followed us out of the room, slamming Harry upside the head on her way out.

We walked into the hotel room that Yaritza and Jazz were sharing to see Yaritza buried under the covers. Jazz shut the door behind us, locking it so that the boys couldn’t use the connecting door before turning to us with a smirk on her face. “Spill. Everything. You’re surrounded with no chance of escaping”

Yaritza didn’t react and remained buried away. Jazz walked over to her bed and stood on it, an evil look on her face. I grabbed the candy bag that was in Yaritza’s hand when she came in and grabbed a handful of fancy French chocolate before passing on the bag to Alyssa.

Alyssa threw a jolly rancher at Jazz, who caught it easily. “So tell us...” Jazz started jumping up and down on the bed, “He took you to the Eiffel Tower, didn’t he?”

“You can’t hide in there forever” I told her as I poked her.

“By the way...this candy is delicious” Alyssa laughed as she unwrapped another chocolate.

“DON’T TOUCH MY CANDY” Yaritza threw back the covers and yelled, startling Jazz, causing her to crash to the floor.

“Tell us or we’ll eat all your candy!” I threatened, taking the bag from Alyssa and waving it in front of Yaritza’s face.

“Fine, what do you want to know?” Yaritza told us, snatching the candy bag from me.

“EVERYTHING” We yelled at the same time, sitting down on her bed.

“Well ..we went dirtbiking and I beat all of their sorry butts, and then we went to eat and JAZZ DROVE OFF WITHOUT US”

“YOU KNOW YOU’RE HAPPY I DID” Jazz yelled back, laughing before motioning to Yaritza to continue.

“And then we walked to the hotel. That’s it” Yaritza mumbled, her face bright red again, as we all rolled our eyes at her.

“IN DETAIL YOU BUTT. Obviously you didn’t come straight here after” I said, taking another piece of candy from her.

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