Chapter 31!!!!

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Louis’ POV

It was tensely silent in the car. We’ve been driving for 10 minutes, and all I could think about was how Yaritza had tried to tell us what was going on but all she could do was cry even harder while Harry held her in his arms. He then tried to explain so she wouldn’t have to talk.

Not that he was great at explaining things. He could barely talk as well, and what little he did say only confused and worried me even more. All he told us was that Niall and Jazz had been in an accident and that Niall was okay, but Jazz was knocked out. But if Jazz was only knocked out, then why were they both such a mess? They’re definitely hiding something, and it was driving me crazy.  I just hope Jazz and Niall are okay.

I glanced back to see what the rest were doing to find Yaritza staring out the window, tears still rolling down her face. Harry was sitting next to her, and as she muffled another sob, he put his arms around her, and held her close, comforting her.  She turned to face him and gave him a small, strained smile, despite everything. She scooted closer to him and they just sat there hugging eachother.

This may seem mean, but in a twisted way, this whole thing seems to be helping Harry and Yaritza.  

I swore under my breath, not understanding why all of this had to happen, as Liam, finally, brought the van to a stop in front of the hospital. We all basically jumped out the car and rushed into the hospital, Yaritza the first one to reach the front desk. She tried asking for Jazz and Niall, but her voice kept cracking. It took her a few tries before she was able to ask where they were.

“Niall is in room 107 down the hall, you’ll be able to go see for Jasmine, she’s unstable right now, so you’ll have to wait,” The nurse replied, and my breath caught as I realized that my suspicions were right. Jazz must be way more hurt than Harry had let on.

I exchanged a look with Liam as Yaritza ran off towards Niall’s room, Harry following her.

“Jazz must be worse than we thought,” I said, pushing my hair back as I fought off tears. I knew that Jazz and Niall skipping that AOT meeting would have negative consequences, but who’d have known we’d end up here?

“I know man, just hope she’s okay,” Zayn muttered, his hands starting to shake. He didn’t even bother to wipe away his tears as he leaned onto Liam, hiding his face in his shoulder. Liam just hugged him, and whispered reassurances,  trying to be strong but failing because he started to cry too and then Lana and Alyssa were holding onto each other and crying again, and a tear started to make its way down my face.

I clenched my jaw and wiped at my cheek angrily, determined not to break down. But it was taking everything in me to stop myself. I needed to be strong for them, I had to be. Jazz would hate to see us cry over her. Stay strong Louis, for Jazz and Niall.

“She’s strong, she can get through this,” I said, keeping my voice low to mask the trembles. “No one’s going to stop her...she’s a stubborn one.”

“A true fighter,” Liam agreed with me as Zayn started to pull away from him.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice anymore as we started to walk towards where Niall was.

When we got there, Yaritza was sitting on the bed Niall was on, and Harry had his arms wrapped around Niall in a bear hug, not looking like he was about to let him go anytime soon.

“Hey Nialler, how are you feeling?” I asked him as Harry, finally, pulled away. I flinched internally as I saw his bruised and cut up face. If Niall’s this beat up........what happened to Jazz?

“I’ll be alright, just some cuts, bruises and ...a twisted ankle,” He shrugged, wincing slightly as Zayn threw his arms around him. He hugged him back absentmindedly, no doubt thinking about Jazz. But the fact that he was relatively calm told me that there was no way he knew how serious her condition was. I bit my lip, knowing that we were going to have to be the ones to break the news to him.

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