Chapter 21

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Niall’s Pov

I thought for a few minutes, not sure where to start. I mean, Jazz and I “hung out” a lot the days leading up to the day I officially asked her out and those days were basically dates because we went out and were alone and stuff, but those were usually just a spur of the moment things.

“Um, I don’t know where to start....should I just start from the beginning of the date, well sorta date? You know what I mean, the day I finally asked her out?” I asked Yaritza, stumbling over my words.

“Yessssss I want all the details. WAIT, did ya’ll make out?” She nearly died of laughter as I turned bright red at the thought.

“Maybe” I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly, “No I’m kidding ....I'll save that story for another time.” I winked at Yaritza, laughing as she made a face at me.

“Ew no, stop, I was kidding,” She acted disgusted.  “GREAT now I’ll have that image in my head.”

“You’re welcome.” I winked at her again, attempting to clean up the room a bit before Liam walks in and yells at me.

“Do you have something in your eye Nini? You keep winking.” Yaritza burst into laughter again.

“SHUT UP. DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THE STORY OR NOT!” I glared at her jokingly.

“Yesss sorry Mr. Horan,  continue” Yaritza tucked a pillow underneath her head.

“So we were having one of our “hangout” days and we decided to go to the fair.....”


“Please tell me you’re not about to throw up, because that would be really bad, Nialler” Jazz laughed as we both stumbled off the highest roller coaster at the fair.

“No, I just feel a little dizzy....probably shouldn’t have eaten before I got on the ride” I admitted.

“I tried telling you but you didn’t listen,” Jazz shrugged her shoulders at me, laughing at my pain. She grinned at me while I tried to walk without falling over. “And you’re probably just dizzy cause you’re overwhelmed by my awesomeness”

“Sure, that’s totally why” I said sarcastically, causing her to laugh. “ But you know how I get when it comes to food, I gotta have it.” I stared at the hundreds of food booths that were here. See, this is why I love this place. When my brother, Greg,  and I were little, we would come to this fair every year and just have a blast going on all the rides and eating all of the fair food, I knew it would be the perfect place to take Jazz, so I beyond glad that we had downtime in Ireland at the same time as the fair.

“Well if you keep it up, you won’t be able to keep your food in you.” Jazz smirked adorably, poking my stomach. I caught her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. She rolled her eyes at me, but to my credit, she didn’t pull away. That’s got to be a good sign, right?

“Yea, that won’t be a pretty picture besides I like this picture better.” I winked, motioning at our clasped hands. She just gave me a one of those soft smiles that she doesn’t give very often. We kept walking past a few stands, chatting idly about food, when suddenly I saw the best type of candy in the world. “Look, cotton candy!” I exclaimed seeing the booth full of sweets.

“What did I just say! You never listen, do you?” Jazz joked, rolling her eyes at me, resisting when I tried dragging her to the food stand.

“You’re just jealous I’m paying more attention to food than you” I smiled at her while she glared at me, still not moving.

“You keep thinking the way  food is my boyfriend so HA.HA.” Jazz laughed, glancing at the stand behind her.

“Well, a growing boy’s got to eat and ew you eat your boyfriend?” I shot back, raising my eyebrows at her.

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