Chapter 12

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Yaritza’s POV

“Dude, I’m starving!” Jazz complained as we collapsed into the tour bus. The full show had ended around thirty minutes ago and while my adrenaline was still running high, my stomach was growling in unison with the rest of us.

“When ar

“So, we have food...but its all uncooked” Zayn informed us after rummaging through the cupboards of their impressively sized kitchen.

“This kitchen is bigger than the one we’ve got back at our flat..” Alyssa muttered as she wandered into the kitchen then stepped right back out. “Yeah, I cooked breakfast so...”

“Shall we just order in?” Lana asked, and I rolled my eyes, sensing the impending fights that would occur if we did that.

“Nah, I’m getting tired of eating out...” Liam said, kicking his shoes off and relaxing on the floor. Guess that he’s not going to help cook. “Plus, we’re sorta moving, so they can’t deliver, and takeout would take forever”  

“I’ll cook, seeing as that no one else is willing to do so...” I said, climbing over the lazy bums on the floor. I have no idea how all nine of us are going to be able to share one tour bus for so long, but its bound to be quite entertaining. At Least there were two bathrooms on this thing, and it was a double decker so it had a bit of extra room.

“I’ll help I guess, since I never did cook ya’ll breakfast” Jazz followed me to the kitchen.

“Ya’ll are the kindest little souls” Zayn  mimicked Jazz, which led to him getting smacked in the head.

“Careful Zayn, or I may just tell Perrie exactly how many hours it takes for you to do your hair” She shot back, laughing. Zayn and Perrie really seemed to hit it off and I could tell that Jazz was quite enjoying playing matchmaker.  

“Alright, what shall we cook?” I asked my partner-in-crime when she finished abusing Zayn and had joined me in the kitchen.

“Um, we’ve got stuff for...OH TACOS. LET’S MAKE TACOS” She exclaimed, whirling around to face me with a packet of taco shells in her hand. I was quite surprised at the fact that the tour bus was well stocked with food, seeing as the boys flat was basically deprived of the stuff but I guess that since we’re all going to be spending way more time in this thing than our flats, it made sense.

“Okay, calm down. Tacos it is..” I laughed at her childish antics. “But you do know that authentic tacos are made from tortillas right?”

“Well, look who's Miss Iron Chef” Jazz said as she traded the taco shells with tortillas and tied back her long hair, following my lead.

“Well, excuse me for making sure we have good food” I laughed back as I got out the rest of the ingredients for the tacos, having to search quite a bit as there was no particular order to the groceries.

“Okay, you’re excused oh wise one” Jazz smirked as she pretended to bow down to me.

“Oh you really do flatter chop up that chicken you peasant” I ordered as I started  the sauce that the meat would cook in.

Jazz quickly chopped up the chicken, along with onions, cilantro and a good amount of jalapenos, as I finished the sauce up. I admit, I was a little bit terrified of giving the devious girl a knife but thankfully there were only a few mishaps. She restrained herself quite well given that she only threatened to maim Harry once and really it was the cheeky boy’s fault for pestering us about when the food would be ready.

“Taste this, is it spicy enough? Otherwise it’ll just taste bland” I motioned for Jazz to taste the sauce as I heated up the tortillas.

“Um...needs more hot sauce, is that what you put in it?” Jazz picked up a bottle of Tabasco and held it up for my approval.

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