Ch 27

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Harry’s pov

“Then you ended up kissing a random girl Harry,” Niall finished talking and all I could do was stare at him in shock.

After a few seconds of silence, I finally got my voice back and stuttered, “ What have I done Niall, she’s going to hate me!”

Niall just shook his head, giving me a sympathetic look, “Mate, you should just talk to her about it...before it gets worse.

“How can it?” I asked him, putting my head in my hands.

“Her finding out by, I dunno, media or someone else” He shrugged a bit, rubbing the back of his neck nervously almost as if he was guilty of something.

I gave him a confused look as he fidgeted around, but then decided to let it slide, he can tell me when he wants to. “I can’t, Niall. She’s going to end up hating me and I don’t know if I can take her leaving”

“Haz, you never know what might happen until you talk to her,” Niall said and I knew he was right. I needed to talk to her.

“Thanks Nialler, I need to go find her,” I stood up and hugged him.”Thank you mate, you always know what to say.”

He hugged me back tightly before pulling away and saying, “I’m always going to be here for you two, just like you are for Jazz and I”

I thanked him again before heading to Yaritza’s room, only to find it empty. I thought for a moment before realizing she had to be at the gym.

I quickly got dressed and pulled on a hoodie, praying that no one would recognize me as I left the hotel, nearly running to the gym.

Once I got there, I checked all the weight rooms before realizing there was only one place she would be. As I turned the corner, I heard Hold Tight by Justin blasting out of the dance studio near the back of the gym.

Yaritza was staring into the mirror, tears silently rolling down her face, waiting for the right beat before dancing again. “Yaritza, there you are” I said, unable to stop my voice from cracking as it hit me that I was the reason for those tears.This must be the reason Niall was acting so weird. She knows.

She stopped mid turn and fell, and I immediately ran over to her. I reached out to help her up but she flinched away looking startled, before standing up on her own, avoiding my eyes. “I’m okay,” She sadly mumbled before walking away and restarting her music.

“No, you’re not!” I said, and even I could hear the desperation in my voice as she just ignored me and started dancing again as if I didn’t exist. “Yaritza, answer me!”

“What do you want Harry?” She stopped dancing, facing the mirror but looking down at the ground. Her fists were clenched by her side as she refused to turn towards me.

“Will you at least look at me?” I pleaded with her, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice.

Yaritza looked at her reflection in the mirror, meeting my gaze but not turning around. Something in me just broke as I saw the tear tracks running down her face, her red puffy eyes. I did that to her... “Do you need something?” She asked me, her voice shaking.

“I need to talk to you,” I told her, trying to keep my voice steady, I just want to get this over with so she won’t cry anymore.

“Sure.” She said without any emotion before sitting down on the floor, fixing the messy bun her hair was in. I walked closer to her and she looked away at the ground again as I sat down facing her.

“I need to talk to you about last night,” I started off, taking a deep breath to try and keep my emotions in check.  “Do you remember anything from last night?”

She shrugged,“Bits and parts of it. I just know I was dancing with Louis, Justin, and that we were all hanging out with Nini too.”

“That’s it?” I asked, confused because I was nearly positive she already knew what I had done, why else would she be crying? If it was anything else, she would have come talk to me first, we tell each other everything.

“Yea, pretty much” She responded abruptly, still not looking at me.

“I didn’t need to find out from Niall, Haz,” She looked at me for a second before quickly averting her gaze. But that split second was all I needed to see the pain in her eyes. “It’s all over the media.”

“I’m so sorry Yaritza, I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking. I never meant to do it, I swear. It was stupid and I shouldn’t have had that much to drink,” I stammered, not knowing how to convince her that I never wanted to hurt her.

“Save it Haz, I was wasted too but I didn’t go around kissing other guys,” She met my gaze again and the anger and hurt in her eyes scared me as I realized that because of one stupid, drunken mistake, I might have just lost her for good. Why’d I have to be so stupid? Even I wouldn't have forgiven myself.

“I could have sworn it was you, even Jazz said I was looking for you and swearing it was you” I raked my fingers through my hair, trying to keep my own tears from falling as she stayed quiet and didn’t respond.

“Come on Yaritza, talk to me please. I’m sorry,” I begged her but she just continued to ignore me and a few seconds later, stood up.

My heart shattered as she walked away from me without a second glance and I couldn’t help but whisper, wishing I had the courage to say it earlier, “I love you......”

A/N: Hey guys soooo sorry on the “break” we took, we needed sometime to reorganize everything and not give you guys crappy writing. We had major writer’s block but hopefully this chapter is good, it took us FOREVER! Anyways comment what you think, we love the criticism.Sorry for the short chapter we will be updating on fridays now because it works better for us love Ya'll <3 What do you think? Did Yaritza hear Haz? Are they done? #Haritza  ~ Ritz and Jazz <3 Xxxxx

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