Chapter 25

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Jazz’s POV

“Hey Haz, pass me the chips over there,” I motioned to Harry, who was standing right next to a table full of food.  

“No, get it yourself” He shot back, taking another sip from his wine glass, smirking. I rolled my eyes at him. Why the heck do I have to be stuck taking care of a drunken Harry? But I guess it’s better than what Niall and Liam are doing, taking care of tipsy Yaritza and Alyssa, who were dancing their asses off and embarrassing themselves while Haz was practically glued to the same spot, being sarcastic and just...weird.

I took the drink out of his hand and set it down on the table. “I think you’ve had enough to drink today..”

“No I haven't, give it back JAZZZZZ,” He whined, trying to grab the drink off the table but he was so drunk he completely missed the cup. Damn. I laughed to myself as Harry pouted.

I grabbed the bowl of chips right as a group of people walked into the room Harry and I were in. They all sat down on the floor, taking up most of the space, drinking heavily and laughing their butts off. I was just about to grab Harry and leave when I noticed that Haz had already joined the group. I rolled my eyes again, so done with drunken Harry, and sat down on a nearby sofa. Guess I’m stuck here.

A girl took out an empty bottle and I didn’t pay much attention to them after that, Harry’s a big boy, he knows not to do stupid things. My phone buzzed, saying there was a new tweet from Yaritza “At a aprty whith Justen &thyr gang! WOAHHH3!!”

I laughed and retweeted it, knowing that I could mess with her about getting so drunk tomorrow. I  tweeted her back, “Tsk tsk Yaritza tweeting while smashed!” and my Twitter instantly blew up, mostly directioners asking if we were partying with 1D. I smirked to myself, wanting to get Harry back. Wouldn’t it be great if a pic of hilariously drunk Harry was all over the internet? That’ll teach him not to get so freaking wasted.

I looked up, about to snap a picture of Harry when I nearly dropped my phone out of shock. Harry had his arm around a girl, kissing her without a care in the world. For a split second I thought it was Yaritza but at second glance I realized that it definitely was NOT her.  The girl had dyed black hair and was wearing a dress that was so tight it was practically painted on her, Yaritza would rather drink tea and eat bagels then wear something like that. And that’s saying something, because that girl hates those things.

I just kept gaping at them, not quite comprehending what was happening until the girl, finally, pulled back from Harry. She stood up, reaching a hand out towards him and flipping her hair back, allowing me to finally get a good look at her face. My jaw dropped even more.  It was Paige. We had met at a coffee shop once, and bonded because we were both directioners. We had talked a little bit after that, we were never really close, but she was in town and so I invited her to the party, thinking we could catch up and she would finally have the chance to meet the boys,  but I had  totally forgotten about her until now.

I watched as Harry grabbed a hold of her hand and clumsily stood up. I didn’t even stop to think after that. I quickly walked over to Harry, grabbing his other arm and jerking him away from Paige. He scowled at me and was about to say something, but I cut him off,  slapping him straight across the face. “HAZ WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!”

“What, it’s called kissing your girlfriend!” Harry responded, slurring his words even more. He  rubbed his bright red cheek and glared at me. A part of me felt insanely guilty for slapping him, I’ve never done that to anyone, but a bigger part of me was so pissed off at Harry, he just kissed another girl and being drunk is no excuse. It’s going to kill me when Yaritza finds out, she’s going to be heartbroken. Why would you do this Haz?

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