Chapter 26

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Yaritza’s POV

I blinked back my tears as I set my phone down, still not believing what I was seeing. But pictures don’t lie, right?

Five seconds later and I was picking up my phone again, scrolling down twitter, unable to help myself even though I knew it was just going to make me feel worse. I clicked on yet another incriminating picture of him, no longer bothering to wipe away the tears on my face. I can’t keep doing this, I need to talk to someone and find out what the hell this all is.

“Hey Nini, are you busy?” I asked him, my voice catching at the end as I walked into his room. He was strumming his guitar lightly, his back to the door.

“No -” Niall started to say as he turned around before stopping mid sentence, catching sight of my face. God, I must look like a wreck.

He immediately set his guitar down and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me in a bear hug. I had promised myself before coming here that I wasn’t going to cry anymore, but I immediately betrayed myself, hugging him back tightly as I sobbed my heart out all over again. Man, I must be getting his shirt all wet.

Niall held me for a few minutes, just letting me cry, before pulling back slightly. “What happened?” He asked me, concern clouding his blue eyes, but there was something about his voice that almost made me think he already knew what I was going to say.

“I..the party..” I tried to explain myself but my voice kept cracking and breaking and how do you explain something like this anyways? I shook my head, giving up on trying to talk, and  handed him my phone, the screen still displaying the picture of Harry kissing a girl at what had to be Justin’s party.

He glanced down at the phone, before swearing under his breath. When he looked back up at me, sympathy and anger were written all over his face, but there was also a look a helplessness, like he didn’t know what to do. Yeah Nialler, neither do I.   

He must have seen something in my own face because he didn’t say anything, just pulled me into another hug, as the tears rolled down my face.

"Niall, I don't even know what happened. Why would he do this to me? Is he getting bored of me?” I mumbled into his chest, speaking mostly to myself, unable to stop the words anymore than I could stop my tears.

He bit his lip, stalling for time as if he was debating whether or not he should tell me something. A few seconds later, he let out a breath, messing up his hair nervously with one hand. “Last night... I were talking...said that Harry...” He looked away from me and mumbled so softly that I could barely make out his words, missing the majority of what he said.

He must have realized that I couldn’t understand anything he was saying, because he repeated it, still really quiet, sounding mad and sad at the same time, “Harry got really, really drunk last night, not that that’s an excuse, but you have to remember the lad wasn’t thinking straight, and he got mixed in with some people playing spin the bottle or something and...” He paused, looking away from me again, “He ended up kissing a girl at the party”

I stifled a sob. I knew that he had kissed someone based on the pictures, but hearing Niall say it outloud finally made me truly realize that it had actually happened. And I just don’t know why. That’s all I want to know, why would he do something like this to me? I thought he cared about me. He said he was serious about me. Was that all just a lie then?  Were the last two months just a joke to him? Even if he was drunk he should have been careful, I mean you don’t see me going around kissing other guys.

“But that’s all that happened Yaritza, no matter what shit people are saying, nothing else happened after that” Niall said hurriedly, trying to comfort me.

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