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Vin went up to check on Callum three hours later and found the boy stirring. He went over and sat on the edge of Callum's bed and shook him gently.

Callum groaned and shoved his hand away.

Vin grinned. "You alright?"

"What happened?" Callum asked groggily. "Did I fall asleep?"

Vin nodded. "Sort of... I gave you a little help."


"I slipped you one of my aunt's sleeping pills."

Callum stared at him. "You drugged me?" he asked indignantly. "Why?"

"You were in shock, I think. So I thought it'd be better if you were asleep for a while."

"What happened then?" Callum asked, still glaring angrily at Vin.

"Both your parents were arrested. They're being questioned now."

Callum finally smiled, the anger clearing form his face. "So, it's over?" He asked. “It’s really over?”

"Well... Not quite. There's still the trial, if the CPS decides to prosecute them."


"The Crown Prosecution Service. They won't let the case go to trial if there's not enough evidence. But with all the call-outs the police have attended at your house in the past, and the photos my aunt took of your bruises and your arm when you were in hospital, there should be enough. You'll probably have to speak at the trial; tell people how they abused you, how long for, that sort of thing."

"But after the trial, it'll be finished?"

Vin nodded.

Callum flopped back down on his bed with a sigh. "How long will it be until the trial?"

"No idea." Said Vin. "Could be a few months."

(Two Months Later)

Callum gave a squeal of delight as he unwrapped Vin's present. He flung his arms around Vin and squeezed the taller boy tightly.

"I've wanted an iPod for months."

Vin grinned and hugged him back.

"Can I go and put some music on it?"

"Have some breakfast first," said Leda firmly. "And you have some more presents."

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now