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The boy watched Vin go, unable to shake the feeling Vinny had purposely gotten rid of him for some reason.

He wondered why Vi would do that. They'd had a nice day together, but now Vin was ditching him?

The boy went out the Vin's green Ford and piled the bags into the boot.

Glad to shed the weight, he went back inside the centre and fetched two milkshakes, a chocolate one and, after much deliberation, a strawberry one.

The boy went back out to the car and waited patiently for Vin to come back.

He sipped his strawberry shake slowly, still wondering why Vinny would want to get rid of him.

If he was having such a bad time, he should have said, and they could have left earlier.

The boy waited patiently for almost half an hour before he saw Vinny enter the car park.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now