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Callum cleared his throat and motioned for Vin to sit down. "So, erm… what can I do for you?"

"Well, my boss wants me to talk to a psychiatrist, and I was told I had to come and talk to a GP before I was given a number or anything."

Callum nodded. "What's the psychiatrist for?"

"My boss wants me to talk after… an incident at work. I went into the police, like Leda, and… Well, we had a tough case a few weeks ago. My boss thinks I need to talk to someone."

"And you don't?"

Vin shook his head. "I'm fine. She just doesn't seem to realise it."

Callum hid a smile behind his hand. He forced his eyes away from Vin's body and looked at his computer. "I've got the number for Dr Croly. We're friends. He might be able to fit you in a little sooner because it’s a favour to me, but it'll still probably be a few weeks."

Vin nodded agreeably. "I also need another blood test." He said, remembering what the nurse at the hospital had told him.

"What for?"

"I… There was an incident at a club while I was talking to the manager. A guy was stabbed. I had to do first aid to stop him bleeding while the ambulance arrived. I had a cut on my hand, and found out the next day the guy was HIV positive. My first test came back clean, but I need another one about now."

Callum nodded, and fetched a needle. He took Vin's blood quickly, trying to ignore his heart pounding in his chest. He could smell Vin's scent, still familiar after more than a decade, as he leaned into the other man's body.

He caught Vin's eye as he straightened up.

He turned away quickly, filled out a form to send with Vin's blood and took it to the reception. He handed Vin the psychiatrist’s number and bade him goodbye.

Vin turned back when he reached the door, looking shy.

"Would you like to go for a drink sometime?" He asked Callum. "Just to catch up?"

Callum paused, before he nodded.

Vin grinned. "When's good for you?"

"Whenever. I've finished now, if you want to get a coffee; you're my last patient today. Unless you need to get back to work."

Vin shook his head. "I've got the rest of the afternoon off."

"Alright. Let me get my coat, and I'll meet you in the reception, okay?"

Vin nodded, and left the office.

Callum stood beside his desk for a moment, breathing deeply. The feelings he thought he'd managed to finally bury after ten years were not as buried as he'd thought. They'd come back, stronger than ever, overwhelming him.

He took a few minutes to compose himself, before he fetched his coat.

Vin was waiting for him in the reception. His brown eyes gleamed at the sight of Callum.

"I just need to go home first. I need to feed Bouncer."


"My dog." Callum grinned. "I've always wanted one, so last year, I finally got one. I'm only about five minutes away, so I can meet you at the coffee shop if you like."

Vin shook his head. "I'll give you a lift."

They went out to Vin's car; the Mini he'd gotten for his eighteenth birthday.

"You still have this car?" Callum grinned across at him as they got in.

Vin nodded. "It still works fine, apart from the odd rattle and clunk. I just never got round to changing it."

Vin followed Callum's directions to his house. It was a sizeable apartment on Westborough Road, in one of the more expensive parts of town.

Callum grinned sheepishly at Vin, seeing his awe. "My parents died a couple of years ago. Dad in a prison fight, mum from a heart attack. They had some savings, and quite a bit of money tied up in real estate. I managed to pay off most of my university loans, and get this place with my inheritance."

Vin followed Callum into the apartment.

Before he could really take in the surroundings, something solid and heavy collided with his legs, almost knocking him over.

"Bouncer! Get down!"

A chocolate Labrador was sliding over the tiled kitchen floor, his entire body wriggling as he wagged his tail furiously. The dog jumped up at Vin, trying to lick his ears, and managed to reach his neck instead. The dog gave several excited barks.

Vin rubbed his ears, grinning. "I wonder why you called him ‘Bouncer’.” He smirked at Callum.

"Well, it took a while. But I finally decided on that." Callum grinned back at him.

"You always were a slow decider." Vin smiled at memories of Callum's slow deliberation. "I'm surprised your patients leave your room alive; 'Should I give them medicine A, or medicine B? Well, A has these side effects, but B is more widely used.'" Vin mimicked Callum's thoughtful voice.

Callum shoved him, but couldn't hide a grin.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now