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"Let's just look for my aunt, and then we can go home. We should tell her we’re leaving, instead of just disappearing."

The pair slipped back into the dance hall and looked around for a hint of Leda's sparkling dress.

"Do you know where my aunt is?" Vin asked two of the PC's stood beside the door.

"She left about an hour ago, with Wilkins. She asked us to tell you, but we couldn't find you."

"Thanks." Vin returned their empty glasses to the bar, and fished his car keys from his pocket.

Vin and Callum went back out to the car and got in.

"So, did you have a good night?" Vin asked as he pulled out onto the road.

"Not bad," said Callum. "Aside from all the people."


Callum grinned at him. "I just don't like big crowds. I prefer small groups."

"Liar. There's only five of us that sit together and lunchtime and you still refuse to come and sit with us."

"Well... Your friends think I'm weird, remember?" Callum said.

Vin thought he sounded a little bitter. "So, why not come and sit with us?" Vin asked. "Talk to them. Then they'll see that you're normal... ish."

Callum shot him a look.

Vin smiled peaceably.

"I might, one day." Callum said thoughtfully. "They might be interested in hearing some stuff about you."

"Like what?" Vin asked, a little sharply.

"Oh, I don't know... The fact you still have a rubber duck in the bath."

"So do you." Sid Vin defensively. "Besides. I only started having it again after I found it for you."

"I'm already weird to your friends though. Besides, baths are new to me."

"Baths were new to you three months ago," said Vin. "You've had two baths a week since you moved in. You are now thoroughly familiar with baths."

Callum grinned at him. "Perhaps they'd like to know that you sing in the shower. Not well, I might add... Or how OCD-ish you are."

Vin rolled his eyes.

"What time is it?" Callum asked, as they pulled into the driveway.

"Nearly eleven, I think."

"I don't feel tired. Can we watch a film or something?"

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now