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Vinny followed Callum into the classroom next door, wondering why he didn't talk much.

Perhaps he was just shy.

Vin, seeing everyone taking seats beside the same person as next door, sank down beside Callum and pulled out his other textbook and exercise book.

Miss Robertson came into the room, quietened the class, and gave them a similar lecture to Mr Green, about coursework, exams and hard work.

She spent most of the lesson explaining their coursework and exam format, outlining the topics their course would cover, and set them the first three chapters of their book to read for homework.

"What've you got next?" Vin asked Callum, hoping to get the boy talking a little more.

"Geography." Callum seemed to prefer talking in whispers.

"Me too. That's downstairs, right?" Vin tried again.

Callum nodded, and led Vin down to the geography corridor.

They went into their classroom together.

This room also had bright displays on the wall, and three large papier-mâché models of the San Andreas fault screwed onto the back wall. "Can I... sit next to you again, or do you have a partner for this lesson?" Vin asked.

Callum paused, before he shrugged indifferently.

Vin fought back a frown at the boy’s lack of communication and sat down beside him.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt