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(Five Months Later)

The boy and Vin walked out of the courthouse together into the early evening sunshine.

The boy slid his hand into Vin’s and squeezed. “It’s finished.” He murmured. “It’s finally finished.”

Vin looked over at him and smiled. “They got what they deserved… Serving at least ten years, each.” Vin grinned at the boy. “That’s good.”

“You remember what I was saying when I first moved in with you, about how I felt lost… Like I’d lost my identity?”

Vin nodded.

The boy smiled at him. “I think I’ve found it again.”


The boy nodded. “My name is Callum James Janoff.” The boy, Callum, said firmly, his storm grey eyes dancing. “I’m gay, and I’ve in love with you.”

Vin smiled down at Callum, his brown eyes alight with delight, his face amused. “I love you too.” Vin’s arms wrapped around Callum and drew him into a tender kiss. “You realise that’s the first time we’ve said that?”

Callum smiled at him.

“So… what now?”

“Now… We go to university.” Said Callum. “And we… live.”

Vin smiled at him for a moment, before his grin faded. “Do you think… do you think we’ll manage to stay together through university?” He asked quietly, half-guilty about asking. “I mean… you’re going to Birmingham, I’m going to Exeter. They're at other ends of the country.”

Callum nodded slowly. “I know… I was wondering the same thing. I just didn’t like to bring it up.” He thought for a while. “Perhaps… we should end it. Go through university, able to experience new people and new things, and see what we want at the end of it?”

Vin nodded slowly. It made sense. “We’ve still got two months left together before we have to go.” He said.

Callum smiled at him, before he frowned. "And exams in two weeks." He sighed. "We need to go and revise, you know."

Vin grinned. "Not having even one evening off, after today?"

Callum shook his head firmly. "You want to go to university, don't you?"

Vin nodded.

"Well, you need all your grades then. Come on." Callum slipped his hand into Vin's and dragged him home.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant