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(Four Months Later)

"Hey, Vin." Callum came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Vin's waist. He kissed the back of Vinny's neck gently, smiling to himself.

"Hey… Good day?"

"Mm… Better now I'm with you."

Vin turned around and kissed Callum.

"Would you and Sab like to move in with me?" Callum blurted.

Vin stared at him. "What?"

"You heard."

"You… want us to move in?"

Callum nodded. "Why not? Sab and Bouncer love each other. I have the space. And Sab practically lives at my place now anyway, because of Bouncer."

Vin stared at him for a moment longer, before he smiled. "I'll have to ask Sab, but yeah… I think she'd like to."

"And you? Would you like to?"

Vin nodded. He wrapped his arms around Callum and kissed him.

"Daddy, stop it!" Sab squealed from the doorway as she came into the kitchen.

Callum drew away from Vin with a laugh, and gave Vin a significant look.

Vin grinned at him, before he called Sab over. He picked her up and took her into the living room.

"What's wrong, dad?"

"Would you like it if we moved in with Callum?" Vin asked her.

"You mean like… live here all the time?" She asked.

Vin nodded.


"Well…" Vin frowned, wondering whether he should explain his and Callum's relationship.

"Do you want to?" Sab asked him.

"Yes, I'd like to. But that doesn't matter if you don't want to. This is up to you."

"Can Bouncer sleep in my room?"

Vin blinked. "You would have to ask Callum. It is his home we're moving into."

"Can I ask him now?"

A low chuckle came from the doorway. They looked over to see Callum watching them.

"I think my answer might depend on your answer." Vin told him.

Callum grinned. "I don't see why he can't… As long as your dad doesn't mind. But if Bouncer stays in your room, you must make sure he does sleep, otherwise he gets cranky in the morning."

"That's my daddy, silly, not Bouncer." Sab giggled.

"I guess our answer's yes, then." Vin said.

Bouncer bounded into the room with a toy in his mouth, and began pawing at Sab to play with him.

Callum and Vin slipped away into the kitchen.

As soon as the door closed, Callum pushed Vin back against the worktop and kissed him passionately.

Vinny's fingers slid down Callum's back, gently digging in.

After a long while, Callum calmed his kisses. He trailed his lips over Vinny's jaw and nibbled his ear. "You know, moving in with me was only the first thing I wanted to ask you." He nipped Vin's earlobe.

"What was the next thing?" Vin felt Callum's hand slide away from his torso.

"Will you marry me, Vin?"

Vin drew back, startled, and banged his head on the cabinet.

Callum grinned, but his eyes were serious.

Vin looked down at the box in Callum's hand, at the worked silver ring with a small diamond set in the centre.

"Yes." Vin said simply.

~ The End ~

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now