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When Vin woke the next morning, Callum was gone.

He dressed quickly, still feeling the ache in his body from Callum's actions the night before, and went into the kitchen.

There was a note on the work surface.

Morning gorgeous,

I've had to go early to work today; sorry I couldn't see you and Sab again before I went. Help yourself to anything in the fridge for breakfast.

I've already fed and walked Bouncer, so if you could just lock him in the hall when you go that'd be great.

I'm free tomorrow night, if you want to get together then.

Cal x

Vin quickly put Callum's number – scrawled across the bottom of the note – into his phone and slid the note into his pocket.

He woke Sab and the pair had a quick breakfast, before they locked Bouncer in the hall and went home to change. Vin dropped Sab off at school and drove to work, feeling happier than he had in a while.

He spent most of the day catching up on his paperwork from his past few cases. His mind was mostly on Callum though. Around lunchtime, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Hey, sexy.


Vin grinned to himself. Hey yourself.


What're you doing?


Paperwork. You?


Lunch break. Yours any time soon?


Ten minutes.


Wanna meet up?


Vin laughed. Sure Cal. Where?

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now