Fighting Dirty

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Chapter 14

The next morning I found myself heading to my solitaire table with my breakfast tray in hand. I look forward to gathering my last moments of freedom before the dealing with the little terror. I groaned inwardly at the brunette waving enthusiastically at me and she wasn't alone. I frantically searched for another empty table but there were clear on the other side of the room. I glanced down hoping that I appeared unaware of their presence at my table and slightly turned to plant myself at empty table.

"Eva! Hey Eva, over here!" Kaleigh shouted. There was no way to ignore her now, she had drawn half the people attention to me. I slowly ambled my way over to my table that I use to enjoy in joyous solitude. It was something I had gotten use to and learn to accept. Being by myself I didn't have to put up any pretenses, it was the only time I could breathe and not worry about my cover.

"Hi Kaleigh." I mumbled and started to eat quietly.

"Eva this is my friend, Sarah. Sarah this Eva."

"Hello Eva, I really wanted to meet you. Hell everyone has been dying to meet you. We don't get many new people here. I hope you don't mind me sitting with you." Sarah gushed.


"Eva, Kaleigh told me that you are in charge of taking care of Caden, while Celeste is on bedrest?"

I nodded my head yes in response, while nibbling on a piece of a toast.

"Bless you, do you know he's gone through about four babysitters." Sarah continued.

"No I think its six, don't forget the powder explosion." Kaleigh corrected.

"Oh that's right I believe the girls lasted only a hour." Sarah chuckled and shook her head as she reminisce.

"Powder explosion?" I wanted to know so that I can avoid a repeat.

"Oh my gosh, it was about three months ago, right Sarah?"

"That sounds about right."

Kaleigh leaned in to continue the story. "Caden wanted to get ready by himself. He refused to let the girls help him."

"Ooh, no Kaleigh, they started to get him ready and left him alone in his room."

"Oh yeah, Bailey went to the kitchen to get him something to eat and Fiona was in the bathroom getting his bath water ready. But that is all it took for the little rascal to get into trouble."

Sarah started giggling and picked up the story. "It took only two minutes for him to find the baby powder and tried to put it on his body. Caden squeezed the bottle too hard and it exploded all over him and then he spread it all over the room."

"Oh gosh the pictures! He looked like a baby snowman." Kaleigh pulled out phone and scrolled down quickly and squealed when she found the photo. She handed the phone to me and it was a picture of Caden, I think, covered in white curled up under a table.

"Caden freaked then fled the room to hide." Sarah finished.

Mental note, don't leave Caden alone with baby powder.

"You should take him down to the nursey. There are some kids he can play with and you will be able to pass the time." Kaleigh suggested.

"Enough baby talk, we need to be deciding about going the annual gathering." Sarah changed the subject.

"Sarah I told you I'm not going this year."

"Come on, Kaleigh you gave to go. We are all going and I don't want to go without you." Sarah pleaded.

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