Know your place

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Chapter 58

Klaus intel on where the cowards, Carsons, were hiding out was accurate. They were hold up in a smuggler 3-story home imbedded into a cliff. It was situated on an abandon stretch of land on the west coast of Washington. We had the blue prints that showed all the hidden passages in the walls of the home that connected to the tunnels that lead to the docks below.

The rocky shore was narrow with no visible way up the cliff

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The rocky shore was narrow with no visible way up the cliff. There were a few row boats that served as the only means of transportation to the docks, a few hundred feet out into the ocean. The docks housed three jet skis, a speed boat, and a small yacht. The docks were guarded by 10 men and 5 men on the rocky shore guarding the entrance to the tunnels. The front of the house was also well guarded with about 20 to 30 men and roughly 10 more in the house. The Carsons were well insulated by the numbers of guards they had surrounded them.

They thought they were safe against any impeding attacks from the council. They assumed that we would attack from land and they could escape by sea. They thought wrong. We had two forces that will attack from both ends and box them in. Tonight, there will be no escape. Tonight, we will end their reign.

I did a last-minute check on my waterproof backpack. My guns, knives and ammunition were nestled inside the bag. I slung the backpack on my back and snapped the strap around my torso. I was in the second wave of the sea force awaiting impatiently for the word to start the mission. The first wave of our team mission was to take out the guards that protected the docks and the tunnels.

"Pesch, you ready?" Klaus was motioning me to the side of the boat.

"Yea." I moved and position myself next to him. Klaus was the first to launch himself into the cold, icy sea water and the rest of us followed suit. We swam the hundreds of feet from our boat to the dock. I pulled myself up on the ladder and climbed up. Our first wave was piling the dead guards from the docks into the yacht as we emerged from the water.

"Sir, Tooms' team have taken out the guards on the beach. We have about two minutes before the next check in."

"Okay, everyone head to the beach. Snoops and Tess will stay on the dock." Klaus ordered us all back into the water to finish the final leg to land. Under the cover of darkness, we still had surprise on our side. We needed to be as quiet as possible to stay undetected from atop with our movement. Klaus knew that every station checked in every five minutes as part of their protocol.

We quickly made landfall and quietly made our way to our comrades near the tunnel entrance. We stayed closed to the rocky cliffside to shield our presence. Everyone opened their backpack and started to pull out their weapons. I wrapped my holster around my legs and waist. My holster was packed with my clips for my guns, knives, and of course my two steel babies.

"Once we enter the tunnels, we go dark. Everyone has their assignment. On three, everyone set your watch. 1,2,3." We all set our timer on our watch for ten minutes. We had ten minutes to be at our position before chaos began. We left three on the beach and we entered the tunnel.

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