Control Freak

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Chapter 43

We had been at it for about an hour and no one could agree on a plan of action. I stared across the table at my Dad and Uncle Silas with their heads bent together using their sibling mindlink to keep their conversation quiet.

To my right of the round table sat Councilman Tift listening to a copy of the incriminating  tape against Carson over and over again. On my left were Councilman Miller flicking through a file on Carson that Silas had been gathering against him and my brother, James.

In the middle of the table was a desk phone that was waiting for Colin to pick up. We were about to include him on this call since he was going to be personally affected by the decision we were going to make.

I sat with my arms crossed wandering back to Eva. She has dominated my mind for the past few days. I knew I couldn't keep ignoring her, but it was for her own good.

Ever since I got her back it had been harder to control the beast within me. He wanted to complete the mating process and to permanently tie her to us. Insuring that if anyone dared to take her from us, they will not be able to hide her from us.

Mating with Eva right now was out of the question,  not only was she physically weak. I need to give her time to accept this bond between us. I couldn't  nor would I ever force her. However it was getting harder to control the beast. And he may force the issue. So it was easy to leave her at the house under the capable hands of Silas security team. Plus Peyton was there making sure she stayed on schedule with taking her medicine.

Thank god one of the side effects kept her sedated. Peyton constantly updated me on her progress and I knew she is now standing on her own for a several seconds. It will only be a matter of time before she is fully recovered then I will have to deal with her. Until then I need her to stay put and get better.

"Hello." Colin voice filled the conference room bringing everyone's attention back.

"Hey son, we have you on speaker. I'm here along with your brothers, uncle, Councilmen Miller and Tift.

"Catch me up. What's happening with the evidence we've gotten against Carson?"

"Colin this is Silas, so far nothing. We still haven't heard from the council chairman, Councilmen Fulter."

"Isn't that odd that they haven't  convened a special meeting about the charges against one of their own?" Colin asked.

"Yes it is highly unusual but this is unprecedent case. Never before has one of us had this type of allegations brought to the council. I approached a couple of other councilmen discretely and they have not been informed on the situation." Miller had asked a couple of men known to be more neutral when it came with dealing with the Carsons, if they heard of charges against Jeremiah Carson. Each one denied hearing of anything that would suggest that the tape was not being circulated among each member.

"Councilman Miller is right something is definitely going on." Uncle Silas agreed.

"What are our options?" Colin voice filtered through the room and we all look around at each other.

"That's what we are discussing. There are a few suggestions. One is to wait until the next scheduled meeting in two weeks and present the evidence." Silas became the spoke person.

"Two weeks! Uncle Silas a lot can happen in two weeks!"

"We understand your concerns Colin but we need to do this with some order." Tift announced. He was the one that thought we should wait for the next scheduled meeting.

"Son that's one solution, the other is to call each councilmen and convene an emergency meeting; therefore bypassing the chair, Fulter."

"Like I said earlier that is too risky. We should just wait for our next meeting." Tift reiterated.

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