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I decided to change out of my makeshift hospital gown. I went to a nearby empty room and change into a pair of borrowed sweats and t-shirt.

"Tell me what the hell is going on?"
I peered over my shoulder to see a fully dressed Creed had slipped quietly into the room.

"Let's talk when we get home."

"No, we will talk now. What are you keeping from me? Does this have to do with Carson?"

I squared my chin and released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Yes, let's go home and I will tell you."

"Eva, what is it! James said they were dead. Is that not true? Did one of them get away?"

"No, they are all dead. I personally killed Jeremiah myself. If I knew then what I know now, I might have kept him alive to kill him slowly and painfully."

"What did he do!"

A hysterical bubble of laughter burst out of me and then ended on a choked sob. "He made sure to leave a parting gift, that would test our bond. After I tell you this and you want to walk out the door, I won't blame you."

"Fuck Eva, tell me! You are scaring the shit out if me."

"He sterilized me!"

There was silence between us and a look of confusion on Creed's face. That look morphed into horror and tore at my heart. I couldn't bear that look and turned from him.

"Remember when Carson took me from you, when we were heading to James' place? Well during my time with him he pumped me full of drugs trying to get the location of the tape. I thought it was just hallucinagentics to alter my mind, but he add another mixture to it. Can't have halfbreeds having babies!"

"Eva.." Creed reached out towards me, but pushed his hands away. I turn my back to him not wanting to see disappointment across his face.

"Stop Creed, I dont want your pity. What kind of mate can I be to you? I can't even do the one thing a mate is supposed to and that's to have children! I'm incomplete, defective, I am not woman...."

Creed grabbed me by the shoulders forcing me to face him. "Stop it! Enough! I will not stand by and hear you belittle yourself. You asked me what kind of mate you can be to me? You will be the kind that was made for me. A bad-ass, no shit-taking shewolf that challenges and frustrates me with every step and every word that comes out of you. I wouldn't have it any other way! I love you with every cell in my body. Having babies isn't the only reason to have a mate. You are wrong. You are not imcomplete. You are complete just as I am the moment we bonded. Having children is just a bonus, not a necessity. We have children in our lives and we will be the best damn uncle and aunt." He crushed me in a bear hug, I could feel his love binding us together. His wolf calling out to my in comfort.

"Creed." I whimpered my own sadness.

"Fuck, I thought you were going to tell me you were dying. Don't ever scare me like that again."

"You might be fine now, but what about years down the road? As you watch everyone around us have and raise their kids?"

"Babe, if you want, we can adopt. I can't predict the future. I know as long as you are by my side, I am the happiest man alive. I won't lie and say that I haven't pictured a mini Eva running around our house. As long as I have you, I will die a happy wolf."

"You sure?"

"I have never been more sure in my life. I love you, Eva Pesch. Now let's go home."

The ride home was quiet with Creed's fingers running soothing circles on my thigh. I lovingly stared as his profile, thanking the moon goddess for blessing me with the perfect mate. He is perfect for me. I am going to try and be a more patient, understanding, and compromising mate. I have lived and relied on myself for so long, that taking into account that I have to factor someone else in my thought processes will take some adjustments. I hope Creed is really ready for me.

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