Chapter 3

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It was finally lunchtime. I had spent the better part of the morning wishing to see Deon in each of my classes but he never showed, then I had to spend the other half of my morning trying desperately to catch up with the lecture. I exhaled when the bell had rung and I scrambled to gather my things.

After buying my lunch, which consisted of a salad, vegan sandwich and fries, and a small bowl of diced green apples, I walked slowly into the cafeteria and looked around for a vacant seat. The room was filled with loud chatter as groups of students talked about school, sports and unnecessary gossips. I spotted my roommate Rae and waved at her while awkwardly trying to hold my tray and my bag.

She glanced up at me then laughed along with her friends. Well go figure, she was one of the popular girls that had many friends and in order to talk to her you had to go through them. Her group consisted of six persons; her and her boyfriend Jake who was the captain of the basketball team, her best friend Kate who was dating Rickey and Rickey's best bro Marcus who was dating Brooke.

They were the most popular group in West High. Everyone wanted to be their friend; they would try to dress like them, walk like them and talk like them. How did I get stuck with Rae you ask? It's because the principal made me share my room with her. We have never really been friends and she was the one that started calling me Apples and got everyone to join in but she wasn't all bad. At least she woke me up this morning.

I quickly scanned the rest of the room but the only vacant seat was by the trash and I didn't feel like getting bullied this early. I pushed past some kids going into the lunch room and made my way outside the building where I sat on the walkway I normally ate on. There were other students sitting further up but instead of eating they were making out. I rolled my eyes as I took out my latest novel; it was an old time English romance that did not visualize modern day sex and I was really interested in the ending.

For some reason I always hated reading or watching sex unless it was for an educational purpose and since I was in the field of science we were always discussing it. I started reading my book and eating my lunch simultaneously and once again I got lost in time.

I was pulled back to the present when I noticed that someone was sitting next to me. Looking up I almost choked on my apples... Wait! I did choke on a piece of apple.
I started coughing profusely and the person had to rub and hit my back until I calmed down.

"I told you apples would be the death of you." Deon said in a sultry voice.

I wiped my mouth for some unforeseen reason and shook my head. How is it that I didn't notice him? I was so wrapped up in another millennium that I had not seen when Deon came and sat next to me, took out his food, and was already halfway done. Damn, I needed a life.

"How long have you been sitting here?" I asked when my voice came back.

"Long enough to know that when you're reading a book never to disturb you because even if I did you wouldn't notice."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it."

I placed my book in my bag along with my meal and dusted my fingers off. It was a bit awkward sitting with him when I normally sat alone and he was always surrounded by his friends. By the way... Where were they? I looked around me but it was just us two.

"Did the bell ring for class?" I asked suddenly worried.

"Nah, we got a few minutes left."

Deon had discarded his empty box and was now leaning back on his hands as he lazily shook his foot on the grass. I stared in awe at his physique, enraptured by the very essence of it. I could see that he was well toned from the way his jacket sleeve was tightly pressed against his arms and the way his t-shirt clung to his body.

I suppressed a moan when my eyes travelled from his stomach and continued its way down. My eyes snapped shut as I realized what I was doing. I groaned below my breath and was rewarded with a slight chuckle.

I opened my eyes to see dark mysterious ones assessing me.

"What?" I asked in a low voice.

"You are so weird you know."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means that you are different from all the other girls at this school and that is a good thing. You're a rare species."

Before I could figure out if his last comment was a compliment or an insult he continued.

"So since today is Friday and we have no classes tomorrow, my bro is throwing this huge weekend party tonight that is going straight into Sunday. It is gonna be his biggest party ever... and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" He asked hopefully.

I almost fan girled but caught myself and considered what he was actually saying. My mom would freak out if I didn't go home tomorrow. Most students didn't go home in months, instead they stayed at the campus and partied. Me, I had to be home every weekend or my parents would lose their shit. I was one of those girls that had overprotective parents who never accepted any grades less than A's.

"Deon I really would love to come, I would... My parents would never let me do something like this."

"Then don't tell them." He said with eyebrows raised.

I knew that look all too well. All my life people wanted me to break the rules and all my life I didn't. They didn't know my parents or the lengths they would go to when it came to me. They wanted to protect me from everything and up until last night they did.

I have been dreaming of the day when Deon Ambrose would walk up to me and profess his love. Instead he came up and said hi and I caved. That was close enough and that's how us talking right now began.

Why is it that I always crushed on the bad ones?!

I blinked and tried to come up with the perfect explanation but try as I might I couldn't think of one. When I looked at him he was waiting patiently for an answer. The look on his face said I couldn't do it and his smirk was daring me too. I groaned aloud.

"Fine, I'll be there."

He laughed at me and I couldn't stop my smile.


The bell rang and we both got up and walked back towards the doors. When I pulled it open he stopped me. I turned around to face him distracted by the fact that I had advance math now and I really didn't want to go. It wasn't that I hated the subject, I just didn't want to face the teacher.

Deon had this weird smirk on his face and then before I knew it his lips were on mine. I stood frozen in my spot, clearly taken aback by his bold move. For the life of me I didn't know what to do so I just stood there as his mouth gently brushed against mine. When he pulled away I released my breath and ran towards my locker.

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