Chapter 9

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I awoke to the annoying sound coming from my alarm clock and a grumpy roommate. Turning of the clock, I stretched before sitting up on my bed. It was Monday again and I was in no mood to go to class. I had spent the entire weekend alone at my brother's apartment since he mostly spent it with his girlfriend Mel. I honestly think he was avoiding me. I got up and went to the bathroom, passing Rae as she was putting the finishing touches of her makeup on.

Even though she was a popular brat who was captain of her tennis team she was extremely dedicated to her work. She got up two hours before me, exercised and then practiced hardcore. I envied her dedication sometimes. Now all we had to do was knock some road sense into her.

She ignored my existence as I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and huffed out a breath. My hair was a mess, my face looked sleep deprived and I felt weirdly depressed. I had this sick feeling that something horrible was going to happen. I quickly took a shower before I spent a good set of minutes taming my hair.

When I was satisfied with my attire I grabbed my bag and room key before heading to class. I had chosen to wear a black and white pleated skirt and a plain sky blue long sleeved top. My black heeled pumps made clicking noises as I walked towards the front buildings.

Our school had 990 students and each one lived on campus. It was more of a boarding school than a normal high school. Even though most of the kids lived a few miles away everyone attending was still required to live on campus. The campus stretched for miles and miles on a long stretch of land. It was probably 20 or so acres. We had about a dozen farms and four main laboratories, eight dorms, four male, four female.

West High is the best school in the country and every year students studied insanely hard for the transfer tests or just to get in. I actually didn't get in because of my mom, I got in because apparently I was exceptional at both their theory and practical. Everyone had initially thought that my mom cheated for me but; A, the board was in charge of any and all exams and B, my mother was a strict believer of rules. My first class of the day was debate and I hurriedly ran in as the bell rung.

"Good morning Ms. Adams."

"Good morning professor Blake." I said out of breath.

"Okay since everyone is here I think it's time we begun. Lillian, please take the floor."

I stood up and walked to the front of the class. I was the president of the debate team but even with all the activities and clubs that I'm apart of I still couldn't get a friend; if it wasn't because my mom was principal, then it was because I was too proper, or my mixed race, or that I never broke a rule or succumbed to peer pressure.

I made sure the mic was on and looked at my classmates. Everyone was either playing with their phones, talking animatedly with their peers or doing anything else than trying to listen to what I had to say. I looked at my professor and he was the only one waiting on me. I cleared my throat in hopes that they would shut up and listen but it was futile. So I began.

"I have an announcement to make." I said softly. When no one flinched I continued.

"We are back in the competition..."

At first no one moved but then Kibbs heard and she shushed the girls next to her.

"Did you just say we were back in the competition?!" Kibbs shouted and caused a silence to fall across the classroom.

When I nodded everyone stared at me with wild eyes and shocked expression before the classroom once again erupted in wild talking. This time however, they were talking about me and it was all good things. I tried to suppress my smile but I tragically failed.

"How the hell are we back in the competition?"

"Are we really?"

"How is it possible?"

"What strings were pulled?!"

"Did principal Adams do it?"

My smile felt like it was permanently etched on my face from all the compliments I was receiving. I just stood there awestruck and completely loving the attention. I knew they weren't glad that I got them back in, moreover that they were back in.

"Okay, okay, settle down class."

After a while the noise finally died down.

"Please continue."

"We will still be debating on our original topic-"

There were loud groans and I inwardly smiled. I actually recognized the feelings they had even though not entirely.

"I know. At this point in the competition we can't afford to change tactics and besides, we've already been through this argument. Are we really going to let all our hard work go down the drain?"

And for more emphasis.


The class grew silent as they contemplated where they stood.

"Okay Apples, the floor is yours."

"Thank you Shanice." I cleared my throat. "Nothing has changed... We are still going to do the debate as we practiced last month... Any objections?"


I exhaled as I picked up my notepad and starting shoving my stationeries into my bag. Today felt like one of the longest days of my life and that's saying a lot. It was just after nine and I felt like I hadn't eaten in years. The day was just filled with classes after classes and even though I made sure to eat a bit more and use my supplements, I still felt drained.

Mondays were always the most stressful, given the fact that we arrived for our first class at 8:45 and the last one , which was structure, a four hour class, ended at 9. My body felt emotionally and physically drained. I lazily threw my bag across my shoulders and walked turtle like towards the door. With the same speed I made my way towards the lockers.

The halls were unsurprisingly empty and I blew out a lazy breath. As I rounded the next corner I halted my steps and with an energy that I didn't know I possessed I flew back around the corner.

Deon was talking to one of the cheerleaders and by the looks of it he wasn't asking about the day's homework. I cautiously peeked around the corner, thankful that they couldn't see me but I could hear their low talking.

I recognized the girl as Heather, a lower class girl who had recently joined the team. Deon had his hands all over her body and they were standing so close together that I shit you not, air wouldn't dare pass through. She was giggling childishly at something he was saying and unbeknownst to me an unknown anger started boiling up inside me.

Of course this would have happened.

Besides the text messages we had exchanged on Saturday I never again heard back from him. Not even once. On a normal day I usually saw him once or twice and on Mondays I saw him too many times to count... But did I see him today? No! I had spent the entire day hoping that we would cross paths but we didn't, now I knew why.

I felt bile rise to the surface as I saw him lean in and kiss her.

Two nights ago it was my lips that received his kisses. Two nights ago it was my body he touched. I turned away as hot tears threatened to fall. Without thinking I ran all the way around the building until I found another exit. I never stopped until I found my dorm.

I threw the door open and ran over to my bed as the tears freely fell. I ignored the surprised scream of my roommate. Ignored the fact that she had yet another guy in bed with her even though she had her boyfriend. I even ignored her when she came over to my side of the room and asked if I was okay.

All I wanted to do was scream and throw any and everything across the room until the anger and hurt I felt inside subsided. After what felt like hours I finally calmed down and allowed the beauty that is sleep to take me.

So, yeah this is a boring chapter but you know what to do.

FIRST LOVE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ