Chapter 15

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My breath caught in my lungs when I felt Deon's hands quickly and skillfully pull my wet sweater off, seconds later my top was gone and so was his.

He kissed me like he was drowning and I was air.

Our tongue met and danced in total serenity with each other and soon the tiny room was filled with our moans and groans. My nipple was pressed against the material of the bra but I could still feel the hardness of his chest as his body was being pressed against mine. He lifted me up and my legs wrapped themselves around him on their own accord. He took me over a the bed, which I assumed was his, and laid me down. Reluctantly, I let go and he knelt above me. In this position I was able to fully look at him and assess his masculinity. His hair had lost the band holding it in place and now was wet and hanging loosely around his face. His eyes were darker than usual but heated with need.

I was slightly aware that our wet clothing was causing the bed to become damp until Deon rose up and placed his hands on his jeans.

I shit you not when I say that everything after that point was in slow motion.

He slowly unbuttoned his belt and took it off, then with the same turtle like motion he unzipped his pants and with careful precision, pulled it down. I stared in awe at how fitted his grey Calvin Klein boxers were and how his power hard shaft looked in it. I bit my lips unconsciously and groaned when he put his hands on the top of his boxers as though he was about to pull them down but instead he released it. Deon let out a slight chuckle before once again hovering above me.

So close yet so far away.

"You're so mean." I stated softly and pouted.

"Good." He whispered against my ear. "I don't want to spoil you just yet, but not to worry, you'll get the main course soon enough."

I stared at the amazing body of the man I was about to make love to, or at least hoped. From his tall built, to his broad shoulders, going down to the power hard shaft pulsating from the mid section of his body. I smiled to myself knowing fully that he's at my beck and call. As if he read my mind, he looked up at me and the look that was portrayed showed only strong desire and hunger. He found my lips where he first slowly, then intensely devoured them and ever so often his tongue danced with mine. His hands sought my body and mine his.

With ease, he pulled my now damp bra off and dropped it on the floor. I moaned as my nipples were pulled, tugged and squeezed and he groaned as my hands searched his body only stopping as I found my treasure. As we laid side by side I relished in the thought that Deon was insanely hard and as my hands slowly moved up and down him, I could feel the veins as it profusely pumped blood in his southern region.

He groaned against my ears and I refrained myself from responding with my own moans. Deon just had the sort of groans that made you want to join in. He started sucking, licking and biting his way up my neck as I increased my actions. 

He tensed against my hands and I watched as his eyes closed. When they reopened I knew he was trying hard to compose himself.

I was having none of that.

I picked up my pace and nearly screamed when one hand snuck into my hair and pulled hard and the other harshly pulled my hand away.

"I swear to you, if you don't stop then this is going to finish far earlier than we ever anticipated!" He said through clenched teeth.

I shivered from the harsh, thick and heated tone his voice transformed into and he smirked.

"Good, I've now gotten your attention."

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