Chapter 5

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I put down my pen and closed my book. I just completed my last assignment and it was just after eight. The party was starting at Six so I knew it was well underway by now. I got up and walked over to my closet. Entering, I started to scan the clothing that I had but nothing looked party appropriate.

I rubbed my temple just as Shane walked in.

"Hey sis, what you doing?"

"Failing to pick out an outfit."

"Why are you looking for an outfit?"

I walked out of the closet and Shane followed behind me. Shane is my big brother and he's 22. He doesn't live with us but once in awhile he drops by to check on the family. Since my mom is half Latino, half African and my dad is a mixture of Canadian and African, Shane and I both have different pigmentation and we have never really fit in with one particular race. Although he is lighter than me and has more of our parents gene pool, I have more of my African side and I can't say I'm unhappy.

My hair is a tangled mess that stops after my shoulder and I have to fight with it everyday in order to tame it but besides that everything else is fine. My mom, dad and brother has grey eyes but I have Amber eyes. Probably from my ancestors. Some people would say I have eyes like a cat but I begged to differ. I stood 5'6" which is an average height in my book and I weighed just around 115 pounds. I loved to play the piano and the violin, cooking was my passion and I played by the rules. I never made a move unless I had a plan and if something went wrong I retreated.

My brother was the opposite to me. He stood 6'1" and he had the same black hair and cat like eyes as mine however, he preferred the drums and the guitar, he never followed the rules and he hated to cook and read. I hardly knew how he managed to become valedictorian twice, once at high school and then at his university.

"I was supposed to go out but I think I changed my mind." I said as I sat at my desk and packed my books.

"Do you have a book meeting or something?"

I wanted to roll my eyes at him but he was right. I normally spent my nights going to book clubs or just reading at the late night library. 

"No, I was invited to a party but mom and dad said no."

"Oh." He sat on my bed and picked up Sasha, my huge teddy bear from childhood.

"Do you want to go?"

"Of course I do. I've never been to a party or drank alcohol or gotten drunk or failed a class or broke a rule. I never did nothing and I never will."

I placed my head in my hands in defeat as I rehashed how strict my life really was.

"I could take you if you want."

My head shot up at the suggestion. Was my rebel of a brother actually trying to corrupt me? I smiled broadly before I ran and jumped onto him, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed.

My brother groaned in pain and I reluctantly pulled away.

"How are you going to get me to the party?"

"Well I'll just tell mom that you'll spend the weekend with me and then I'll take you to the party."

"Okay let's go!" I screamed and dashed down the stairs.

"Lillian what did we say about running in the house?"

I halted my steps when I heard my father's voice. My brother came up behind me just as I located both of my parents in our library.

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