Chapter 22

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Friday- Day of Nationals.

My alarm went off at 07:00 and I was completely ready. I opened my eyes and started reciting my lines. I had spent the entire two days learning my debate by heart and even the ones my team members had to learn. I was so pumped and ready for the competition that there was no way I could focus on anything else but that. The entire senior year was excused from classes for the afternoon to come cheer us on at our competition since it was a really big deal. Our school was always in the press and today was no exception. There would be fifteen schools competing but we were the last to go so school was still on per usual. It would be extremely hard to concentrate since everyone was so pumped.

Our competition wasn't easy to beat and they were out for blood. They had nearly gotten our trophy last year because I wasn't spearheading the competition but now that I was a senior it wouldn't be that easy.

I got out of bed and started getting ready. I quizzed myself the entire time and even when I was eating breakfast I was still grilling myself.

"Hey there champ, slow down before you literally choke before your competition." Shane said as he passed me to get some coffee.

I ignored him and continued chewing on my toast and reciting my lines. I noticed that Mel hadn't been around the house since Tuesday and this was the right time to pry.

"Where's Mel?"

Shane sipped his coffee before bracing against the counter and watching me over the rim of his glass.

"She's at her apartment." He stated flatly.

I raised my eyebrow and stared at him. "Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"Nope, she's just studying for her finals and I'm respecting her space."

"Oh, okay." I finished my breakfast and cleaned my dishes before heading out to the car with Shane.


"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our annual debate contest!"

The girl who was co hosting said loudly over the PA system. There was loud cheering coming from the audience and I nervously rubbed my hands together. The room was ram packed with students, teachers and parents; not to mention the various camera men, tv crew, judges and hosts. It was the biggest National competition and for some reason I felt sick. Our school had first preference and we chose the spot at the front. I scanned the crowds until I found Rebekah; she was sitting next to her boy crush David (pronounced as Da-veed) and when she saw me she made a funny face. I laughed and it seemed to take the edge off. I began pacing back and forth and quizzing myself as I went over my lines.

"Girl chill out, you'll do fine." Kibbs said, lightly touching my shoulders.

I smiled and nodded shyly before once more pacing. I was nervous but I wasn't afraid. I always got really pumped up for competitions and exams and such things but in the end all my anxieties and doubts would disappear. I inhaled and exhaled about a million times, trying to get my heart rate to decrease and my breathing to go back to normal.

No avail.

"You know, this rug is way too expensive for you to be wearing it down."

My head snapped up and I immediately stopped biting my nails as I heard my brother's voice. I ran to him and jumped into his embrace.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're really here." I said excitedly. "Is Mel here too?"

"Yeah, she's sitting with mom and dad."

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