Chapter 10

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I awoke to the annoying sound of my alarm and I angrily smashed it onto the floor before pulling the sheets over my head. It was time to get up and get ready for classes but I felt emotionally wrecked. I had a bitch of a headache and my heart felt physically broken.

Was this what heartbreak felt like?

If it was I hated it. I took a deep breath and vowed never to be this stupid or vulnerable again. As I was about to fall back to sleep Rae took it upon herself to become human.


I played dead in hopes that she would leave me alone. No such luck.

"What Rae?"

"Aren't you gonna get ready for class?"

"No, I'm skipping."


"I'm sick."

"No you're not." I felt the bed dip as she sat down. I groaned inwardly.

"You've never missed class." She said after gently pulling my sheet from my face.

"Well I'll miss it now."

"Come on... Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want to talk about it." I stated flatly.

Rae kicked off her heels and folded her legs together as she got comfortable on my bed. I groaned aloud knowing this was going to turn into an intervention.

"Is it about a boy?" When I stayed silent she took it as a yes.


I nodded gravely as a wave of nausea rushed through me.

"Lil, you know he's bad news. Every girl that has ever slept with him always ended up heartbroken... And I should know, I'm one of them."

I looked up at her perplexed and she smiled sadly.

"He was my first love. If it wasn't for him I would have still been a virgin."

"Oh." I whispered not knowing what else to say.

"Only the truly brave ones venture into his bed."

"I feel so stupid!" I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

"Aren't we all. Look I know you feel like your life is over and what not but you're the most brilliant student West High's got and on top of that you're really talented. Don't let one bad decision impact the rest of your life."

Even though she was the worst person on the face of the earth she actually gave a darn good piece of advice. I nodded and sat up.

"Okay apples, my job here is done. Don't ever let me catch you moping because of any other reason but me bullying you. I can't bear to be this nice."

She fake shivered before gathering her things and stormed out. Yep, that's the Rae I know.

I sighed and got ready for the day ahead. I hated the thought of running into him but we had two classes together and there was no way I could skip it. Sad for me, they were both two hour sessions.


"Okay students, let's split ourselves into groups of two so we can discuss Darwin's theory of evolution." Mr. Higgins said as everyone sat down.

He was the kind of professor that had students always in groups because he thought it would help to open their thinking capacity. It never worked though. They mostly just sat in their groups talking or gossiping. It was okay with me because I normally sat alone and Mr. Higgins was okay with that.

The class lazily got up and started to pair themselves off. I looked around but everyone I tried to join with shut me down. The norm. Instead friends and foes were scurrying to be near each other. Even the really dumb ones had partners. I was about to take my all famous position at the lonely front when a rough hand gently pulled me to a stop.

I turned smiling until I saw who it was. My smile disappeared so fast you could have sworn I saw hell opening up.

"What is it?!" I snapped harshly and reveled in the sight of his shocked expression.

"Whoa, what climbed up your butt and died?!"

I rolled my eyes at him before pulling my hands away and walking to my desk. I cringed in rage when he followed.

"What?!" I asked as he sat next me and stared.

"Can you stop with the whole scorned woman thing. I just want to be your group partner."

"Really?!" I asked and folded my arms. "Why don't you go and pair up with Heather, I'm sure her throat is better to stick your tongue down and wrap your hands around."

Before he had a chance to respond Mr. Higgins started sharing papers and he angrily took a seat, ignoring me. Oh, so now he's mad. I rolled my eyes and snatched the paper from him when he collected it, giving him an 'I don't think so' look before staring down at the sheet.

It was short scenarios and mini questions based on Darwin's theory. It was pretty simple and I knew it wouldn't take more than two minutes to finish writing. Normally I would take my time since I didn't want to finish that quickly and have to endure the angry glares from my classmates or their mean whispers of freak of nature and weirdo.

I sighed when Mr. Higgins once more walked over to our desk.

"Good morning Lillian." He smiled. Then turning to Deon with a scowl on his face. "Deon... Welcome to my class."

Deon scowled right on back and ignored him. The nerve of this guy.

"Well Lillian, I see you finally have a partner." He chuckled lightly. "Even though you've waited years for this, I know it'll still feel the same." He once more looked at Deon as he shot his insult and walked briskly to his seat.

I laughed at his remark and saw Deon clench his teeth together.

Since I spent the entire class ignoring him and he spent his time brooding and upset the class flew by pretty quickly. As soon as it was over I left and spent the remainder of the day avoiding him. It wasn't hard to do since I spent most of my free time preparing for the upcoming debate in the library and I took extra long getting to and from classes. Even when I did manage to bump into him, he respectfully left me alone since neither one of us wanted to argue.

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