Chapter 23

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After what felt like hours my team and I were finally able to return to our dressing room. We had to take so many pictures with our school, the press and some family members as we showcased our prizes and the huge trophy. Everyone kept coming up to me saying congrats and telling me how they knew I was going to bring the team to victory. Some of these people I didn't even know and some I recognized from school.

My brother and his girlfriend had to literally drag me from the crowd so they could congratulate me and give me hugs.

"Geez guys, do you not want me to breathe?" I gasped as I was finally released.

"Sorry sis, we're just so proud of you."

"And here you were worrying about how you would screw up and everyone would hate you. Look around. they're all cheering for you."

I almost cried when Mel wrapped her arm around my shoulder and reminded me how much of a reality this really was. Before I had a chance to thank her there was a slight tap on my back and I turned to see my parents. They had a strict expression on and my smile immediately vanished.

"Mom... Dad..." I began.


My mind went blank as I registered the words that came from my dad's mouth. The last time he spoke to me was before he found out about my 'incident' and hearing him say these words was enough to start the water works.

"Oh daddy." I said and ran into his arms.

He awkwardly hugged me before I turned to my mother. she smiled at me and we embraced before I reluctantly released her. I was so glad that we were back on speaking terms, if only for today. We were interrupted once more when Rebekah came over. I excused myself from my family and spoke to her.

"Oh my gosh." She screamed as I hugged her. "I can't believe we won."

"You can't believe we won?! I can't believe we won!"

We laughed and chatted a bit about the competition before being interrupted by my schoolmates and then by the media. At some point during the interview I noticed Deon staring at me while he was in conversation with his friends and I averted my eyes. I was still mad at him but he had the ability to make me forget about everything and I wasn't ready for that. So I hung out with my teammates and celebrated our victory.

By the time we entered the dressing room we were drenched with champagne, water, and different flavors of drinks. I was laughing so hard that I was surprised my voice box wasn't completely shattered right now. We were so hyped up on adrenaline that when we entered we spent exactly one minute just staring at each other before we started screaming and giggling hysterically.

"I can't believe we did it!" I giggled as I took the seat next to me.

"I can't believe you did it!" Kibbs said as she joined me.

"Yeah, you were the one that led us to our victory." Shanice continued as she took a bite of strawberries.

I rolled my eyes and helped myself to the delectable basket that was made entirely of fruits but looked like a flower arrangement. Popping a pineapple into my mouth I continued.

"Girls you know I couldn't win without you. It was a joint effort."

"Ooo, before you continue..."

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