Chapter 16

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I awoke to the gentle swaying of my body as someone was trying to wake me up. I tried turning onto my side but once again there was the tugging.

"What is it Rae?" I asked thinking it was my roommate.

"It's almost daylight. If you get caught in my dorm we could both get suspended." The voice replied softly.

My eyes flew open and I quickly shut them as I let out a slight groan. The light in the room was too bright for my eyes and I was having a headache from barely getting any sleep.

My head snapped up once more as I ignored my headache and my eyes met the coffee ones of the boy near me. Deon was clad only in his boxers and his hair was a jumbled mess. His eyes were still filled with sleep and I could see him mentally trying to fight it. I started slightly giggling before I realized I really needed to use the bathroom.

Getting up, the sheet slid off my body and for the first time since waking up I noticed I was completely and utterly naked. I hastily grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around me as I bent my head with embarrassment. I heard Deon chuckle and I cautiously rose my eyes to meet his.

He was splayed out on the bed, one foot dangling on the edge while the other was used as a prop for his chin.

"You can't seriously be shy?!" He said as his eyebrows rose.

When I still stared at him blankly he got up and walked towards me. I backed up until I was pressed flush against the wall. He chuckled and instead walked out into the hallway. The atmosphere was starting to get chilly and I dropped the sheet and grabbed my clothes before escaping into the comforts of the bathroom.

When I had completely composed myself and gotten dressed, I re-entered the room and told Deon I was ready to head back. That was when I noticed the red spot on his bed. My body tensed and I was sure my eyes portrayed horror as I looked up at him. He turned his attentions to the bed and for a split second he stared at it. For unforeseen reasons I wanted to cry and that was when I felt his strong arms pulling me into a hug.

"Hey don't let that get to you... I can't bear the thought of you regretting anything that happened in here... Okay."

He lifted my chin and peered down at me. A single tear slid down my cheek as I looked up at him.

"I don't regret it." I whispered, reassuring him.

"Good." He kissed my cheek before finding my lips.

"Give me the sheets so I can wash them." I said when we pulled apart.

"Hey, relax. I'll take care of those. Right now the sun is gonna be up soon and you need to get back to your dorm."

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.


He had pulled on a sweatpants and sweater and he draped an arm around my waist as we headed silently across the lawn. The rain had finally ceased and it left the campus with a slight glaze and everything seemed to glitter. I felt oddly safe being with him even though my body felt as though someone took a sledgehammer and created art.

When we arrived at my dorm he pulled me towards him and quickly planted a kiss before once again releasing me.


I awoke with a start when my alarm went off, signaling the time for me to prepare for classes. I groaned as the headache I went to sleep with still pounded at my temples and I pulled the sheets around me tighter. My body felt numb and when I tried to get up my legs weren't having it.

I groaned again and laid back down as I crawled into a fetal position. I closed my eyes and allowed the sweet silence of sleep to wash over me. Never again would I subject my body to such torture no matter how sweet its reward. My mind shifted to the events of the night and I reluctantly gave in.



I jumped out my sleep as I heard my mother's loud voice calling my name. Instantly, a searing pain shot to my frontal cortex at the sudden onslaught of movements.

"Ou! Why are you so loud?!" I moaned as I shut my eyes and held my legs together so my chin could rest on them.

"Sweetheart, it's nearly lunch and you've missed your morning classes. When the lecturers came to me I got really worried. You don't ever skip classes... What's wrong? Are you sick?"

My mom placed her hands against my forehead and I relished in the feel of her warm hands against me.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just really tired and I kinda fell back to sleep. I'm sorry."

"It's okay sweetie... Do you want to take the rest of the week off so you can prepare for Nationals on Monday?"

"Nationals?! Oh snap, I forgot everything about that!" I groaned again and laid back onto my bed.

"Lillian! I hope you haven't pushed aside your studies! You should have been preparing for this competition since last week."

"I know! Ugh!"

"Look, just take the rest of the week off. Go home and practice and then on Monday you can regroup and get ready with the others okay?"


"Good, get packed. Your dad will pick you up in about fifteen minutes okay."


My mom kissed my forehead before quietly walking out of my room. I rolled onto my side and rubbed below my stomach before getting up slowly and preparing for my dad to pick me up.

Twenty minutes later I had my bag of books at the ready and I was hopping into my dad's vehicle.

"Hey, you feeling okay?"


"Your mom told me you were feeling a bit ill."

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed that's all, I'm gonna be fine."

"Is the workload too much? I know you're graduating school soon and you have a lot more responsibilities, not to mention Nationals and preparing for your upcoming interview."

"Dad it's fine. I just need to be away from school so I can focus on everything okay."



"You would tell me if something was wrong right?"

Unconsciously, guilt started creeping into my soul and I idly played with my fingers. I never lied to my family because I never had a reason but now... Now, I hadn't a clue of how to divert the conversation. I sat in uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever until I couldn't anymore.

I shook my head and took out the new book I was reading. Flipping to my page, I drowned myself in the beautiful mind of James Patterson. Alex Cross was thrilling, suspenseful and such a huge mystery that it was easy for me to get lost within its pages. I went through all the emotions as most of the characters and by the time I arrived home I was already at the middle of the book.

I jumped when my father lightly touched my arm to let me know it was time to get out of his car. He laughed slightly before pulling off and heading back to the direction of his work. I had the house to myself and the first thing I did was grab some ingredients from the kitchen and whipped up a quick pot.

When I was finished I grabbed my book and settled onto the couch as I once again became lost to the ingenious mind of James Patterson.

I know this chapter was boring but I needed to update. I promise it gets better.
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