Chapter 30

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"Come on, come on, we're going to be late." Rebekah shouted from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes and once more ran my hands down my outfit. Sighing deeply I smiled at myself in the mirror before walking downstairs.

"Geez, can you move any slower?" She demanded before walking through the door.

I shook my head and followed after her. The party started an hour ago and David was already there. I started the engine and took off. Half an hour later I was pulling up at over venue and I laughed as Becky literally ran towards the door. I slowly made my way in and I stopped just beyond the inside.

The place was jam packed with seniors and the loud music was for once, welcoming. I smiled when I saw Deon standing near the stage facing away from me. Walking towards him I tapped him lightly on his shoulders. He turned around and froze when he saw me.

"Lillian." He breathed out. "You look... Beautiful."

I smiled at his comment and had to command my knees from going weak. He didn't look too bad himself. He wore a white tux with a light blue silk shirt and his hair was pulled back in a neat man bun. I smiled when he pulled me closer and I held my breath as his fingers touched the exposed skin of my back.

"I can't believe you actually wore something as reveling as this." He whispered against my ears before nibbling it.

I shuddered as his fingers pressed against my skin and before I could respond he was pulling me onto the dance floor. I wore a light blue satin dress that stopped at my ankles. It was a spaghetti strap that exposed my entire back but which had beautiful diamonds running across the exposed part. It was beautiful and for once my family agreed with my outfit choice.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he looked down at me and pulled me closer. I knew I wanted to stay like this forever and always. Swaying in the arms of the man I loved and being safe for all time. I leaned my head against his chest and inhaled his awesome scent as he subconsciously massaged my body.

We must have danced for hours because by the time he was leading me off my feet were hurting and I was physically drained. We joined our friends and immediately we talked and laughed. The place filled with lots of food and drinks and I stood wrapped up in my man's arms as I looked at our friends and foes as they came together for one night of laughter and fun.

By midnight most persons were leaving and some were heading to the after party, which by the way, was ludicrous. I left Deon to go find Rebekah and I wasn't surprised to find her making out with David. I felt bad for interrupting but I had too.

"Rebekah." I shouted as I tapped her on the shoulder.

"What?" She shouted back.

"I'm leaving with Deon. I might not be sleeping over at your place anymore." I shouted and she just nodded as she went back to making out with David.

I shook my head before rejoins Deon. When we had said our goodbyes to our friends he led me out and we both took my car as he drove me to our destination.



There was a far away voice calling my name and I mumbled an incoherent reply. My body subconsciously turned and I tried to grab my pillow. Instead, my hand landed on a muscular thigh and I stumbled to an upward position. Deon was sitting on the edge of my bed and he was smirking. His hair was tousled and his eyes were shining as though he was high.

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