Chapter 25

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We both pulled apart as Jake, Marcus, Rickey and two other guys stood near the exit.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?!"

My heart skipped a beat as I saw Deon's face transform from lust to anger in a nanosecond. I became conflicted. I wanted to see him defend my honor but at the same time I didn't want him beaten to a pulp by five buff looking dudes.

"Oooh is somebody offended?" Jake continued and stepped closer.

Instinctively, Deon stood in front of me. My heart seared from the knowledge that he was so willing to defend and protect me.

"I suggest you back up!"

"Or what?"

They were nose apart and each seeking vengeance.

"Guys please stop this." I begged while tugging on Deon's jacket.

To my surprise Jake took a step back.

"You know what? I don't think you even deserve to wear this jacket. So why don't you take it off."

"Jake this is taking this a bit too far. Why don't we just go." Rickey said and I subconsciously nodded.

"Go? Are you mad? He's the one that went AWOL on us and decided that this thing over here is better than us."

"This thing? Are you for real?"

Deon looked from him to me then back again. Before any of us knew what was happening horror struck.

Deon suddenly punched Jake in his face and the two started fighting. I had no clue as to what to do and I just stood screaming at them to stop. Jake was on top of Deon and he was punching so hard that I saw blood. My screams turned from shouting at them to just plain screaming. Out of no where a rough pair of hands were on me and I was being dragged back inside.

When my brain registered what was happening I screamed louder and tried to kick at the person holding me.

"Shit Apples can you stop?" Rickey said to me and I froze.

"What the hell are you doing? Let me go you freak!"

"Me! The freak? Girl, look around you... You're the only one behaving obscenely."

I looked around and we were standing in the cafeteria with everyone staring at us. I physically shrunk as I averted my eyes.

"Can I trust you to stay here while I go pull my friends apart?"

I nodded before he quickly walked away.

"Lillian are you okay?"

I looked up just as Rebekah pulled me into a hug. When she released me she started searching for bruises and marks of violence.

"Gosh Rebekah, I'm fine... Stop."

"No, I need to make sure you're okay. I swear to you, if they hurt you I'll kill them in their sleep!"

"What is up with you? Who hurt me?"

"Becky babe. I think she's okay."

I looked behind her and saw David standing there. He looked at me before smiling and I smiled back. Rebekah finally released me and I exhaled.


"It's okay... Why did you think I was hurt?"

"Because some ass wad just passed us saying how a bunch of guys had cornered you and then I heard you screaming at the top of your lungs, so I just figured..."

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