Chapter 20

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I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to see my mom, I didn't want to see the lecturers, I didn't want to see any of the students and most of all I didn't want to see Deon. I woke up feeling miserable and the fact that I couldn't sleep last night wasn't making my decision to stay home any better. I grumpily walked into the kitchen and poured myself some coffee as I ignored Mel and Shane's hot make out session. I had heard her come in at some point during the night and the fact that the walls were thin and they were loud didn't make it any better.

It also reminded me of Deon and hence my mood.

"Good morning Lilly." Mel said as she pulled away from Shane.

"Morning" I mumbled and dropped my head on the table.

"You look like shit sis."

"Thanks for your observation Shane." I mumbled from my position.

"Are you going to school?"

I raised up and sipped my coffee as once again I debated the thought. If I stayed home my mom would be furious but if I go I would surely be bullied. Which was worse? The wrath of my mother or the gruesome bullying of my peers? I figured my mom would be worse and half an hour later I was heading to my locker.

"Well look who it is!" Brooke said as she and the others walked towards me.

I let out a stifled groan as I saw them and wanted nothing more than to melt out of existence. Why does life hate me? I mean I've been dealt with too many shit to still be breathing!

"I heard that you're real tight." Jake said as he draped an arm across Rae's shoulders.

"Can we not do this today?" I asked as I pressed my books against my chest.

"Oh we're doing this today! If you're so dead set on being West High's next super slut then you got to get used to all this." Brooke said as she burst the bubble in her mouth.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do?"

"Bitch did we say you can talk?" Kate chose this opportunity to speak up and came closer to me.

I never liked her. There was something about her that always gave me the creeps and I made it my mission to steer clear. When she was inches away from me she looked me dead in the eyes before running her nose on my neck all the way up to my ears. I tensed with fright and shut my eyes as I waited for what was to come. My eyes flew open as I heard her laugh evilly before snatching my books and throwing them onto the ground.

"Come on guys she isn't worth our time." She said as she pulled Rickey away.

Everyone followed suit and I was left standing at my locker, my books on the floor in front of me and a terrified expression on my face. I hated my life... Most importantly, I hated Deon.

I bent and started grabbing my textbooks when I heard footsteps coming closer. I thought it was them again and I froze when the boots stopped in front of me. I closed my eyes as the person bent to my level. When I opened my eyes I let out a relieved breath to see Rebekah in front of me.

"Hi." She said softly and grabbed my books.

"Hi." I croaked out, half afraid she might just be playing and half thankful she came.

When we had the books and were standing again she handed them to me and I thanked her. She wore an all black outfit with black painted nails and bright red lipstick, the only thing on her that showed any semblance of color. If anyone else dressed like this they would look like a freak but she just looked hot. Her short black hair had purple streaks in them and her eyes were brightened by all the makeup she had on.

"I saw what happened and decided to come over and lend a helping hand, you know." She said as she started walking.

I trailed behind her, unsure of what was actually happening.

"Am, okay."

"What's your first class?"


"Are you asking or telling?"



"I don't get it." I stopped walking and she did too.

"Don't get what?" She asked.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I know what it's like to not have friends, to be bullied, to stick out and become the outcast, as though you deserved it, when you don't."

I stared at her dumbfounded. "You were bullied?!"

"Wanna say that louder?"

I snapped my mouth shut. "Sorry."

"I wasn't all that popular you know." She started walking towards the direction of my class and I followed her.

"At first I was just a pretty blue eyed girl that acted like a boy. No one got me and when people don't understand someone they instinctively hate them."

She glanced at me before looking straight ahead.

"All you gotta do is believe in who you are and not get affected by what people tell you."

"It's hard."

"Of course it's hard. No one said it would be easy! All I'm saying is that... Yes it hurts, and yes you feel pain, but you gotta know who you are and what you stand for... If that makes sense?"

"I guess"

We arrived at class and I was surprised when she sat next to me. Everyone in class was snickering and saying mean things about me and it hurt but because she was making goofy faces and comments about the people I mostly just laughed it off. Deon came into class late as usual and when I saw him I froze.

He looked as though he had gotten into a car crash and then walked straight to school. His face had small bruises and his lips were busted, not to mention he was walking as though every step made it difficult to breathe.

My heart immediately went out to him and all I wanted to do was run to him and nurse him back to health. Yes, I was upset that he ruined not only my innocence but also my life but I wasn't an evil person and I definitely didn't tolerate violence. He looked at me before he sat down and it literally took all my being to look away from him. Rebekah saw my turmoil and shook her head disapprovingly at me. I looked at the front and tried my best to focus on the lecture but every now and again my mind went to Deon and his condition.

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