Chapter 18

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I'm sorry this is short and boring but it's past 1 am and I'm really sleepy. Anyhow, enjoy.

The cocks crowed as they signaled the dawn of a new day. It was Monday, two days had passed since I found out that the entire school knew I had sex with the notorious bad boy known as Deon. My parents and Shane had stormed into the house and into my room all blazed with rage. I had spent the better part of the night crying and trying to apologize after they had scolded and lectured me about how disappointed they were.

My brother broke my heart the most. He just stood back in silence, quietly brooding and refused to make eye contact with me. When I was finished getting grilled they all walked out and he ignored me when I called his name. The one thing I hated was to have my brother hate me and now it was as though I lost everyone.

I woke up the Saturday and the house was completely empty. I spent the entire day throwing myself into my notes in order to prepare for my competitions then later on my music instructor came and I continued my lessons. I refused to let my messed up life get in the way of my goals. My parents came home around nine and I smiled when I saw Shane with them. He didn't return my smile. Then, I knew why.

My mom told me that I wouldn't be spending anymore nights at school and that I had to move in with my brother since he lived closer. When I looked over at the two males in the house, they had their arms crossed and was looking at their feet. I knew my dad was disappointed and embarrassed of me so I quietly nodded and sat down as my family vacated my room.

They walked us to the door and slammed it behind us, not stopping once to say goodbye or even waiting till we pulled off. I held the tears back as I opened the passenger side door and got in. Shane started the car and blared the music so we couldn't talk. The drive to his apartment was loud but quiet at the same time. When we got there he took my stuff to the spare room before retiring to his own. I sighed and locked myself in my room. There was no use in trying, he was already mad at me and nothing I did would make him understand me.


I threw my bag over my shoulders and hugged my text books to my chest as I closed the door to my brother's car. He sped off quickly and I inhaled before turning and facing the prison gate that is my school. The second I stepped in all eyes were on me and I instantly felt sick. I walked quickly to the girls bathroom and found an empty stall. Locking myself in I dropped my belongings and wrapped my arms around my knees as I sat on the seat.

I spent an entire half hour trying to convince myself that sticks and stones break bones and words should never hurt me. When I had phrased it long enough I got up, plastered a brave face on and cautiously walked out. I let go of the breath I was holding as the first bell rang. Swarms of kids were pushing past me to get to class and I melted into the wall outside of the bathroom. I hugged my books and closed my eyes as I waited for the corridor to clear. When I reopened them they were empty and I slowly made my way to my English Lit class.

I slipped into class just as the lecture began and I sit at my usual seat. I felt all eyes boring into my skin and I wanted nothing else but to vanish from sight. I placed my head on the desk and bit back the tears when I heard someone snicker slut and whore at the back of me. The professor shouted for silence and I was grateful that no one else teased me.

I managed to spend the rest of that day avoiding people, especially Deon, by just entering class after the bell and leaving when it was completely empty. They couldn't harass me because the lecturers were always there and for some strange reason defended me. I smiled at my Spanish professor as he yelled at a boy who was saying mean things to me.

"Damn Apples, if I knew you wanted the D that much I would have gladly volunteered to pound that pussy."

"Damien stop that this instant!" Professor kellon said.

"What? I was just-"

"Go to the principal's office right now!"

He rolled his eyes and stormed out and I quickly headed to my safe haven. The bathroom was unoccupied and I shut myself in as I tried to compose myself. I spent the remainder of the day just existing and I couldn't even eat lunch for fear of mass humiliation. By the end of the school sessions I was hungry, stressed and battling a severe headache brought on by the stress.

When I was sure the corridor was empty I cautiously stepped out. I made it as far as the back exit when I see Deon waiting for me. Before I had a chance to re-enter the building he was reaching out and grabbing me.

"Lilly wait, we need to talk."

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