Chapter 4

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Monday morning came after fifteen literal years. I just wanted to get out of here. I wanted to be at the office and I wanted to work 24 hours straight with no breaks. I wanted to forget everything, I want to forget it all!

Saturday night I witnessed Lobos kill a man like he was a damn annoying fly that kept buzzing around his head. He killed him and had no emotions whatsoever. I threw up and fainted in the pool of my own vomit. How disgusting right? I know, but to my both surprise and worry I woke up in my bed, in clean clothes, which I still ask myself how I got into them but I sure didn't smell good. I took a long shower, brushed my teeth four times and stayed locked up in my room until today. I haven't eaten anything since Saturday, and yes I was starving. But I couldn't bring myself to eat. I still saw his life being drained from his eyes as they dropped lowly.

Sleep didn't even come easily if at all these past couple of hours. I was afraid of the nightmares but more afraid of the man that owned this house I'm currently trapped in.

I took a shower early in the morning, Monday morning and dressed in high waist black formal pants, a red blouse with polka dots, finishing the look with black pair of heels. Lobos had went and fetched my laptop and my important stuff like my access card from my place yesterday and I asked him to bring my superman t-shirt. That was the only time I actually talked to him.

I went downstairs and placed my laptop bag and purse on the kitchen counter. Caroline, the house helper had just entered the kitchen, tying a knot of her apron behind her back.

"Miss Jacobs. Good morning, so lovely to see you." She smiled warmly upon realizing my presence in the kitchen.

"Caroline." I gave her a tight smile. I opened the fridge and she stopped me. Causing me to arch an eyebrow at her sudden movements.

"I will make breakfast miss Jacobs, just sit down and have coffee." She shooed me away and pointed to the coffee maker on the other side of the kitchen.

"Please call me Kimberly and thank you. But I wasn't trying to get breakfast just a yogurt and a fruit on the go." I started making the coffee, realizing I needed caffeine.

"I insist you eat breakfast miss...I mean Kimberly. Such a lovely name." She beamed at me before going back to pulling out ingredients from the fridge. Caroline enjoyed cooking, and her food was amazing, top of the class amazing.

I fiddled with my fingers while waiting for the coffee and the breakfast.

"Mr Lobos has assigned you a driver and two body guards. They are just out front waiting for you okay?" Caroline informed me and dished out for me. Simple bacon, sausages, eggs, fried tomato and toast for breakfast.

"Thank you." I clapped my hands together and said grace before eating my delicious food. Even if they weren't delicious, it would matter not, I was starving.

"Caroline, Kimberly. Morning" the last man I didn't want to see or talk to walked in the kitchen, smelling oh so heavenly. He was clad in a grey suit, white shirt, a black tie with black dress shoes. His hair was a cute mess but I still hated him, now more than ever.

He has turned my life on a hundred and eighty (180). I don't know whether I'm going or coming.

I thank God he walked in just after I finished my breakfast. The sight of him just made me nervous, scared and nauseous.

Caroline chirped at her boss, offering him coffee and breakfast. She was just a chippy old woman wasn't she? At least one of us can smile and be merry. I wonder if she knows about her boss's shady dealings.

"What I need you to do today Kimberly. Call me when you get stuck or need help." Lobos pushed a yellow big envelope to my direction. I grabbed it and shoved it in my laptop bag.

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