Chapter 9

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Kimberly Jacobs

The Sun shone brightly through my bedroom window, causing the tiny Sun rays to hit my face, waking me up. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the lovely morning situation. I turned slightly in the bed and realized that I wasn't alone. The scent, the perfume, the body heat, I knew who it was. I didn't have to wreck my brain to know who it was. Miguel Lobos.

His arm was holding me in his captive. His leg tangled between mine, and his soft breathing was trickling down my neck. He was at peace.

I looked at the time on my bedside table and it was noon on the dot.

"Miguel?" I shook him, only for him to tighten his grip on me.

My heart was frantically beating, making me feel weird inside.

Bubbles formed in the pit of my stomach, I didn't understand what was happening to me really. I am not supposed to like any of this, but yet here I am relishing every moment. Electric shocks bolted through my body and I wasn't sure of my feelings, I don't want to like anything Lobos related, that's not a wise thing to do, that was just a dangerous thing I could ever link myself into.

I tried to get out of his hold but it was no use, the man was very comfortable hugging me near to life. It was as if he didn't want to let go on purpose.

"Trying to run away from me?" Lobos opened his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips.

I took a quick glance at him and I scowled. The man didn't even have to try, he was breathtaking. His eyes were clear of any sad emotions. Even in a sleepy state, his hair a beautiful mess, he looked utterly breathtaking. His voice was raspy, sleepy and sexy as hell!

"Sort of?" My own voice was groggy too that I had to clear my throat and speak again. "I need to get to the bathroom." What I needed was to get away from him!

I needed to put distance between us. I just didn't want to feel the way I was feeling at the moment.

"I need to go somewhere, and you are coming with. So get dressed." With that being said he let go of my waist and pushed me out of the bed and I fell on my butt!

"You are such a gentleman!" I rose to my feet and dramatically touched my heart. Lobos said nothing but chuckled on his way out.

I spotted a smile of my own, seeing him smile and laugh like that.

I made my bed and tried to put things in order around my bedroom. Caroline and the other two girls who I am yet to meet clean my room, but I prefer they clean the windows, the floor, change my sheets, clean my bathroom and closet and not touch anything unless it's laundry. Not that I have much of things anyway.

I quickly showered and put on black jeans, black short sleeve t-shirt and black pair of heels. I took my phone off the charger and went downstairs.

I saw a had missed calls from aunt Charlotte and Nicholas.

I have been ignoring aunty's calls, simply because I don't want to lie to her and if I talk to her I might just end up telling her everything which I don't suppose it's what Lobos would appreciate.

I returned Nicholas's call and he picked up on the second ring.

"Baby cakes!" He chirped causing me to roll my eyes.

"What do you want Nicholas?" I asked, reaching the kitchen to find Lobos eating breakfast and Caroline cleaning the refrigerator.

"Miguel Lobos. Tell that son of a bitch to call me as soon as he forgives me will you?" He sounded bored.

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