Chapter 29

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Miguel Lobos P.O.V

I woke up with Kimberly still in my arms. Best sleep I've ever had, once again. I had actually dreamed. There was a little boy with brown locks, running around the yard, carefree. He was so happy, happily laughing at everything and ate food like there was no tomorrow, but his favourite was the carrot cake. He loved carrot cake, in the dream his mother, kept telling him to stop eating so much of the carrot cake, it will make him sick. He had a best friend with black locks, who also loved the carrot cake, they were best of friends and it all started with a carrot cake, a carrot cake baked by Genevieve Baria.

I woke up with a smile, that woman had love, her home was filled with warmth. Her carrot cake was the best. I hate her now, but I loved her then. I didn't get angry because of the dream, I actually felt what it was like to be happy once again. And that brought the smile to my face.

Kimberly stirred in my arms. And shortly after, a long yawn escaped her lips.

"Morning little tiger." I kissed the top of her head. I don't know why I did that, but it felt necessary.

"You sound happy." She positioned herself to be able to look up at me, and what do you know? The little tiger was blushing. Maybe because I had a morning wood, and it was very much noticeable.

"I had a nice dream." I told her, smiling even. I never smile.

"You just smiled! You should smile more often." She grinned at me, her teeth were sparkling white, her eyes also sparkled. She was just like her aunt, oozing off comfort and warmth. It was crazy. "Tell me what you dreamt about."

"I don't know what you talking about." I tried to hide my smile, but I failed. Her smile was contagious. "I dreamt of my little self. I was such a happy baby. Not this crappy mess of a man I am."

"You not at all that messy." She pinched my nose playfully causing me to scrunch up my face.

"I am baby, you don't even know half of me." I said, painfully so. Why couldn't I just be raised up to take over a media or family business company like The Lobos Empire? Instead of being trained on how to kill, sell drugs, smuggle guns and other stupid, soul shattering stuff?

"Just because you are what you are now, doesn't mean you can't leave it all some day." She said, quietly, I would have missed it if I didn't pay attention.

"It's hard to leave it. This business as a whole is a lot complicated." I sighed. She didn't know half of it, and I don't want her to know. She's in so much trouble already, stressed enough, I don't want to add to it. It will be a burden, a burden she isn't ready for.

"Will you ever tell me though?" She asked, hope filling her eyes. It was clear she wanted to know.

"I will think about it." I smirked. She hit me on my chest and I winced. The pain was coming back again.

"Sorry, let's just wake up and get ready for the day." She started to get out of bed, but I pulled her back to me, slamming my lips on hers. She returned the kiss eagerly, almost as if she wanted it, or was expecting it.

I could kiss her all day.

My boner grew stronger and it poked her, now that she was fully on top of me.

She moaned into my mouth and my hands travelled to her butt. A nice firm but. I squeezed and pulled her to me further with her ass.

"Knock knock, love birds! Rise and shine. Lunch will be ready in a few, I suggest you get ready." Aunt Charlotte interrupted us, but she didn't enter the room, just knocked and spoke through the closed door.

Kimberly rested her forehead on mine.  "Your scars make you look ugly." She looked all over my face.

"Am I handsome without them?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

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