Chapter 10

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Miguel Lobos

I just couldn't believe I had to come back to this annoying, sickening place again. This club revolted me in so many ways I couldn't explain. It was filled with women who would kill to be somewhere else, where they lived life to the fullest and just not be tied up and f*cked. But some women loved being here, they have no families whatsoever and they love the attention they get from the disgusting old men that frequent the club and the young ones that like sex period.

I was looking for one man that has to help me with this whole Carter issue and he requested I come over here, because let's face it, I'm the one that is asking for his help. And ain't nobody know Carter than his twin brother, Kane. They hated each other so much, it's not even surprising any more.

We passed by the stripping side of the bar, and as always it was packed. Men and their fetish. Bugs me!

I knew this place like the back of my hand, much to my distaste. I hated what Kane did with these helpless girls. But it was none of my business.

We passed by the sex room, and I just averted my eyes from the scene that took place in there. Kane had this whole girls operation on a crazy level. He had guards everywhere around the club to take care of the girls and to make sure when they leave, they come back to make him more money.

"Don't wander off Kimberley." I spoke out loud to Kimberley who was trailing behind Nick and I. We skipped two doors and opened the third one on the left side. We walked in the room, supplied our access cards once more and the guard opened the door inside there which lead to Kane's office.

"Miguel and Nicholai." Kane, greeted us as soon we stepped in his office. He was clad in a purple suit, a cream hat and had a cigar in between his fingers. As always there was a half naked girl on his lap, biting on his ears. Arg!

"It's Nicholas Kane, Nicholas!" Nicholas grinned at Kane. They always did this.

"Same thing kitten." Kane laughed it off.

I starred at the girl on his lap, giving her a cold stare. Kane sensed my expression and told the girl to get out.

"Sit, yes?" We sat down and started talking business.

"What did that motherf*cker do now?" Kane stood up from his chair, for an old man, he sure still fit as hell. He poured us scotch on the rocks and placed them on the table before us.

"Something that's going to fuck him up big time! But for now he wants my assistant dead or alive and mostly alive in his hands. And I'd rather die before that happens. I want to eliminate his powerful men until he is left all alone and with less protection." I explained the situation without letting out my leverage over to Kane. I don't want people to have the same leverage I have over Carter, they might just worsen things for me and put Kimberly in more danger.

"Well, Miguel.." Kane smiled, my name rolling off his Italian tongue smoothly. "It's going to cost you." He fell back on his chair. Taking sips of his drink.

"So I take it you are going to help me?" I smirked at him. He knew money wasn't a problem to me. He just liked acting like an asshole.

"Very well. I give you my word." We shook hands. And he suggested we stay for lunch, and as much as I hated this place, the chef here cooked some delicious meals, I wasn't going to say no.

The whole time we were here, Nicholas was on his phone, probably keeping in touch with the new drug deal we had to see through.

Kane had his chef come in and take our orders and we started reminiscing about old times, when we were new to the game.

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