Chapter 11

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Miguel Lobos P.O.V

"Clean that up!" I ordered one of the boys to clean up Kane, if you were wondering , I didn't kill him, I don't want to kill him, yet. Just teaching him a lesson not to mess with me like that.

"Son of a bitch"

"Cold motherfcuker"

"Ruthless bitch"

While I was having my fun with Kane, those are the words that he spat out. But I knew that already, what ticked me off and led me to stop torturing him was when he mentioned that he knew what happened to Linda.
That's why right now he is very much alive. A little bruised though. Just a few broken ribs, closed blue eyes, few lost teeth, a broken leg and a chopped off earlobe. I went easy on the punk. 

The information he gave me connecting to what had happened to Linda checked out and in return I spared his life. I know I should have killed him, but he made me promise, and I don't break promises. I'm loyal, even to the sadist and crazy abnormal things, I am loyal, I keep my word.

"Kimberly must be awake now, don't you wanna go and apologize?" Nicholas leaned against the table where I was busy cleaning up my weapons, folding his arms looking casual as ever. As if we just didn't spend the last two hours torturing and inflicting pain on a man.

"No, there are some things I need to do. Important things." I nonchalantly replied him, packing up the case that holds all the weapons.

"And apologizing to Kim is not?" I could feel the disappointment dripping from his voice. I didn't have time for this. I had to dig more about the Linda issue, I need to know fully well on who was involved. I want to get to the bottom of it and I don't need to be baby sitting Kimberly all the time when I have important things that need my undivided attention.

"I need you to run Lobos Empire from now on until I get my mind back on track, think you are up to running the show, instead of being behind the scene?" I looked at him straight in the eyes without wavering. I finished with my weapons and now I had to clean myself.

"Yeah sure. You've been neglecting that side of the life for long now, I'll step up." He rolled his eyes while making his way out of the door, and I trudged behind him, going up the stairs.

"Kimberly has been helping so she is your go to girl. And also those employees of mine are the best, they keep my clients happy, so you won't have any trouble." I had a smug look on my face, liking the fact that I can run both worlds successfully, Nicholas just mean mugged me and kept going.

I arrived to my room to find Kimberly out in the balcony, watching the dark, illuminated sky.

I locked myself in the bathroom, threw my dirty, bloody clothes in the hamper at the corner of the bathroom and took a very hot shower to relax my tense muscles.

"Miguel, they are going to kill me." She whispered, her eyes darting from one table to another, in the dimly lit restaurant they were having dinner at.

"They could be watching me right now, hell they could be listening to me speak right now." Her breath was uneven. Her face was very pale, her hands tightening around the fork in her hand, as she twirled the spaghetti in her bowl around without bringing it to her mouth.

"Linda relax, they won't touch you. I will protect you. What do you know? What did you see?" He pierced his brown eyes into her green ones, worried sick about the pain, the fear he was witnessing in those beautiful almond shaped green eyes.

"Linda tell me." He cupped her hands in his, stopping her from playing with her food.

"I love you and if something happens to me, don't hold your life back. Go clean, go legal, start that company you always wanted to before they ruined your life." Her hands were trembling, even though he had such a strong hold on her. Nothing could seem to keep down her nerves. She was a mess, a wreck, scared to dear life.

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