Interview with: Dusty13

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Destinee [Dusty]

Name of Book:

Stray Cats

Genre of Book:


How did you discover Wattpad?

A friend of mine suggested to me a year ago, and I decided, "Hey, why not?

How did your interest for writing originate?

I love to read. I'm a huge reader, and I always have been. There's just something about a good book that makes me all giddy on the inside--as nerdy as that sounds. Since I love to read, writing kind of came naturally to me. I think it's a great way to put myself in a whole new situation and for a little while to just become someone I'm not.

What was the inspiration for your story?

This is actually kind of a weird inspiration because the story and the show have nothing to do with each other. I was watching Austin and Aly on Disney channel one day and saw the episode where Aly signs a contract with the performing group the 'Stray Kitties' or something like that. I kind of changed it in my mind to Stray Cats. The Stray Cats are the dancers at a club, much like the Stray Kitties, but in Stray Cats these cats in disguise are part werewolf. I envisioned Ember and Declan from there and it become a whole "I love you, I have you" thing.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

Well, I didn't really have anything in mind for the story in the first place. I was originally just writing this as a side story, but when it started getting more thoughts than my other stories, I stuck to it and set my other ones aside. I do have a plot in mind now though, and I plan on sticking to it.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

Ember, the main character, is my favorite. She just has this fiery attitude. I like how she stays conflicted about her relationship between her and Declan and then her relationship between her and Kale. She can't decide who she wants to be with. She doesn't want Declan because the Goddess has made them mates, and that's not how she wants things to happen. She has a fantasy about falling in love with someone and she thinks Kale is just the right person for her. So Ember is definitely my favorite.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

I've never considered that before, but if my life was a book it would most likely be called 'Stuck InThe Background' due to the fact that I'm just not a popular person no matter what I try to do. I'm kind of just stuck in the background. I'm that girl that nobody notices, but it might end up as a huge cliché story and someway, somehow I'd be center attention.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

There's nothing really to say other than the fact that they should keep reading because there's going to be a big, big scene that will happen later on that will have everybody hooked more than before.

Have you ever had a writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

Yes. I'm sure every writer has experienced writer's block, but it's just a natural part of writing. When I do get it, which is quite often, I like to listen to music or I set whatever I'm writing aside and just think of something else. Sometimes I'll start writing on a whole new topic until out of nowhere I get this huge idea for my story that kind of hits me in the face and I start writing again. And if I don't, usually I just leave it alone and continue on with my day because at some point in time I'll be grabbing a scrap piece of paper and writing down the next portion of the story. My writer's block isn't a hard thing to overcome. I can be pretty creative.

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