Interview with: AnjelicaTrujillo

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Anje t.

Name of Book:

Daciana’s Moon

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, fantasy, and a bit of paranormal.

How did you discover Wattpad?

My sister was the one to introduce me to Wattpad.

How did your interest for writing originate?

I have always been interested in writing. It probably began because of the fact that I am a voracious reader who always ran out of stories.

What was the inspiration for your story?

I found inspiration in a lot of things. Ranging from mythology to the books I like to read.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

Well my senior year in high school I was given a project to write a short story and it just sort of grew from there.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

I have to say I’m on my fifth rewrites now and a lot has changed with my plot and my characters.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

That is a tough one. Hmm, I would have to say Daciana. She is an interesting character full of potential and spirit: but then again I enjoy a good villain and Nickolai is certainly that.

Are your characters based on real life people?

No, the people in my life are nothing close to my characters. In some ways my characters are lucky for that.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

Something melodramatic and depressing I’m sure, but at least it would be interesting. Cause if there is one thing my life isn’t, it would be boring.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Not all of the people who appear good are, just like not everyone who is bad is purely evil. My characters aren’t just black and white with their actions or morals.

Have you ever had a writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

I sit outside with my headphones blaring and find inspiration in the night.

Anything extra you would like to add?

I have no life so if you ever need a critique I am up all day and night!

Interview With Werewolf AuthorsWhere stories live. Discover now