Interview with: A_Story_Spoken

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Ashtyn Mane

Name of book

Running Red

Genre of book


How did you discover wattpad?

I actually just happened to stumble upon wattpad when I was looking random stuff up. Ever since I found it, I haven't been able to get off. I've been on for a year.

How did your interest for writing originate?

I've been reading since I can remember. I always had a book with me everywhere I went. After a while, I got inspired and wrote fanfiction and short stories for fun. Now, it’s a hobby that hopefully will turn into a career.

What was the inspiration for your story?

My friend on here loves my writing and was begging me to write a werewolf story. Only thing was, I had no idea about the werewolf logic. She explained everything to me and once I understood the basics, I brainstormed and ended up coming up with an amazing plot. So, I guess by her wanting me to write one for her, she was kind of my inspiration.

Where did you get the idea for your story?

When brainstorming for this one, I knew that I wanted it to be original and crazy. I wanted people to be guessing at every moment and to have jaw-dropping twists. So, I was thinking of what could do that. I referred to the cliche's of wattpad werewolf stories and switched them up, I looked at old tales of werewolves, and I looked at modern supernatural shows and such to come up with my world in the story.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

 Yes, actually. Well, I stuck to the basic plot more or less. I tweaked it a little and added in some twists since I came up with it though.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

 I love so many of my characters because they're all incredibly awesome, but my favorite at the moment is my main girl Tala, mostly because she has the biggest twists and makes the book.

Are your character based on real life people?

 Nope. Not at all. I hate doing that. I prefer to keep my stories separate from real life.

If your life was a book, what would be the title?

The Crazy Kind

Can you say something extra about your story readers don’t know?

No one’s who they seem, even the people you think you know. And if you think you know what's going on, you don't.

Have you ever had writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

I have had terrible writers block that has lasted for months. However, I actually don't like to call it writers block because I know it's mostly just me being lazy. I'm going through a rough patch right now actually, but I know that the best way to overcome it is to just write. Even if you have no idea and it's crappy, just write it. You can edit it later. I've found that by forcing myself to write it, I kind of relight the fire I first had for the story.

Anything extra you would like to add?

 If you do check out my story, don't forget to vote and comment. It really brightens my day and means a lot. Oh, and thanks for the interview! (:

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